Maruf, Muhammad Maruf Islam, S21FIA is active from Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Information from his QRZ page:
Hello fellow hams!
My name is MARUF and I go by the callsign S21FIA. I reside in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I've been a licensed amateur radio operator since 2023.
I caught the amateur radio bug when i first started long range drone flying. Since then, I've been actively involved in various aspects of the hobby. Whether it's chasing DX, experimenting with antennas, or participating in local club activities, I'm always eager to explore the diverse facets of amateur radio.
I operate on 20 & 10 meter band using QRP setup. My go-to antenna is a homebrew multiband inverted-V, providing me with reliable contacts and enjoyable ragchews. I also enjoy experimenting with homebrew projects, constantly seeking to enhance my station setup.
I'm an avid QSL enthusiast and collect cards from all around the globe. I confirm QSOs via QRZ.Com, LoTW & Clublog profile. Please feel free to send your card, and I'll be sure to reciprocate.
Other Hobbies: When I'm not behind the mic or tinkering with antennas, you can find me on RC flying ground. I also love motorcycle riding. Packing up my saddle bag, tent, and portable station for going to some unknown hill gives me thrill. Balancing my time between radio activities and these interests keeps life interesting and fulfilling.
Connect with Me:
I'm always thrilled to make new connections and share the joy of amateur radio. Don't hesitate to reach out, and let's make some memorable QSOs!
QTH Locator - NL53es.
Information from his QRZ page:
Hello fellow hams!
My name is MARUF and I go by the callsign S21FIA. I reside in Dhaka, Bangladesh. I've been a licensed amateur radio operator since 2023.
I caught the amateur radio bug when i first started long range drone flying. Since then, I've been actively involved in various aspects of the hobby. Whether it's chasing DX, experimenting with antennas, or participating in local club activities, I'm always eager to explore the diverse facets of amateur radio.
I operate on 20 & 10 meter band using QRP setup. My go-to antenna is a homebrew multiband inverted-V, providing me with reliable contacts and enjoyable ragchews. I also enjoy experimenting with homebrew projects, constantly seeking to enhance my station setup.
I'm an avid QSL enthusiast and collect cards from all around the globe. I confirm QSOs via QRZ.Com, LoTW & Clublog profile. Please feel free to send your card, and I'll be sure to reciprocate.
Other Hobbies: When I'm not behind the mic or tinkering with antennas, you can find me on RC flying ground. I also love motorcycle riding. Packing up my saddle bag, tent, and portable station for going to some unknown hill gives me thrill. Balancing my time between radio activities and these interests keeps life interesting and fulfilling.
Connect with Me:
I'm always thrilled to make new connections and share the joy of amateur radio. Don't hesitate to reach out, and let's make some memorable QSOs!
QTH Locator - NL53es.