ZA5V by S59A and the OE6V club members will be 30 September 30 to 7 October October 2018, equipped with a K3, IC-706MKII, FT-857 and TS-590 to amps made by BEKO and OMpower, a 2M transverter and 1500 watts output on 2 and also on 6.
The antenna farm will include dipoles, a spiderbeam and "FD4" for HF, 4x9 element on 2 and 2x8 element on 6.
For modes it's CW, SSB, JT65, FT8 and MSK144, JT65B for EME.
QSL via S59A.
Ads for direct QSL:
They plan traditional paper QSLing, no Club Log, LoTW etc.
They are working up a website.

The QTH will be the Lake Shkodra Resort, a campground.
If the ZA5V callsign does not come through, the ZA5A club call from Shkoder is the alternative.
On the op list are OE6FNG, OE6WIG, OE6YWD, OE6TQG, OE6JUE, OE6KAE, OE6JTD, OE6VCG and S59A.
They expect to have the first station set up on 1 October 2018 and the second one starting operation on 2 October 2018.

ZA5V ZA5A Lake Shkodra, Albania

Lake Shkodra, Albania. Author - BurnOsoleil.