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ZD9GJ - Edinburgh on the Seven Seas

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    ZD9GJ - Edinburgh on the Seven Seas

    ZD9GJ. Lance Collister, W7GJ will be active as ZD9GJ from Edingurgh of the Seven Seas, Tristan da Cunha Island, IOTA AF - 029, 23 August - 30 September 2024.
    He will operate 6m EME and possibly HF.
    QSL via W7GJ direct.
    Ads for direct QSL:
    Richard COLLISTER, PO BOX 73, FRENCHTOWN, MT, 59834-0073, USA.
    QTH Locator - IF32uw.

    ZD9GJ Edingurgh on the Seven Seas, Tristan da Cunha Island
    73 Al 4L5A

    Hello 6m DXers!

    I finally received an email this morning that my August berth from Capetown to Tristan da Cunha has been assigned to an electrician that they need to service the electrical system on the island :-( I have requested to be put on the waiting list for a berth on the MV Lance departing Capetown on September 18 and a berth on the MFV Edinburgh to leave the island on October 27. I have updated the DXpedition website.

    Of course, the possibility exists that I will be bumped for a third time if there are higher priority passengers needing the berth. All my equipment is checked, packed and sitting here ready to go with me on the next DXpedition - I just need a confirmation of passage.

    In the meantime, I am also investigating the possibility of activating another rare DXCC for the first time on 6m EME, in case the ZD9 trip is canceled again. I was hoping that ZD8 could be a backup location, but research has shown that there currently is no place to operate and only friends and relatives of those already living on the island are issued visas to enter ZD8. I am still investigating the possibility of H40 and D6, but neither of those DXCC currently have good lines of communications, so it is taking longer to move forward on those. In the meantime, fingers are still crossed for ZD9!

    Thanks for your patience and understanding! I will provide updates as soon as more information is available!

    GL and VY 73, Lance

    Lance Collister, W7GJ(ex WA3GPL, WA1JXN, WA1JXN/C6A, ZF2OC/ZF8, E51SIX, 3D2LR, 5W0GJ, E6M, TX5K, KH8/W7GJ, V6M, T8GJ, VK9CGJ, VK9XGJ, C21GJ, CP1GJ, S79GJ, TX7MB, TO7GJ, 3B9GJ) P.O. Box 73
    Frenchtown, MT 59834-0073
    73 Al 4L5A

