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EJ0DXG - Irish IOTA Groups

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    EJ0DXG - Irish IOTA Groups

    Fellow OMs

    I'd be delighted if you could add the following announcement to your DX pages.....

    Beginning June 1st 2018, the EIDX Group will activate ALL Irish IOTA Groups.
    Using the 'Echo Juliet' prefix, EJ0DXG will be QRV from IOTA EU-006, EU-007, EU-103 and EU-121 this summer.

    Starting off with 'Little Saltee Island' EU-103 on June 15/16/17/18th....the groups will be QRV on HF and 6m bands using CW, SSB and Digital modes.

    Please follow their Facebook page for information/dates for all other activations....

    Supported by a beautiful plaque will be available for whoever works them on 4 different IOTA Groups. So, as a 'Bonus' or 'Joker' station, EI0DXG will also be QRV from Mainland Ireland (EU-115) throughout and until September 30th 2018.

    As with all EIDXG activities, please QSL via M0OXO.

    vy 73 de Dave EI9FBB

    EJ0DXG Irish IOTA Groups

    73 Al 4L5A