PS6I is a special callsign of Martin Federico Osvaldo Butera Almenara Moura Da Silva, PT2ZDX (aka LU9EFO), authorized by ANATEL (National Telecommunications Agency of Brazil) For operation on the Itaparica Island, IOTA SA-023, in the period from 01-07 December 2018.
HF band from 6 to 80 Mts (SSB).
Exclusive Manager stations of Brazil:
PP5GEL Please Brazil stations SASE (Self Address Stamped Envelop), for the manager (envelope auto-endereçado e selado para o gerente no Brasil PP5GEL).
Manager Rest of the world:
Mr. Stephane F4BHW
QSL direct ONLY with SAE + 1 IRC or 2 USD (no buro member).
Ads for direct QSL:
Stéphane POSSOZ, Po.Box 3, FOECY, 18500, France.
HF band from 6 to 80 Mts (SSB).
Exclusive Manager stations of Brazil:
PP5GEL Please Brazil stations SASE (Self Address Stamped Envelop), for the manager (envelope auto-endereçado e selado para o gerente no Brasil PP5GEL).
Manager Rest of the world:
Mr. Stephane F4BHW
QSL direct ONLY with SAE + 1 IRC or 2 USD (no buro member).
Ads for direct QSL:
Stéphane POSSOZ, Po.Box 3, FOECY, 18500, France.
