My very focused Mission Objective for this IOTA Expedition is to work primarily serious IOTA CHASERS who actually apply for IOTA credit.
Countless additional hours of computer programming and testing have now provided some innovative new capabilities for this activation. Of course, "Hi-Tech is great, when it works".
If the Internet connection on the Island has any problems or is not reliable, there is a "Secret Pilot" who can post News updates, as well as relay other info to me via telephone from the K6VVA COPILOT system.
Anyone on this Forum who might be interested can make some "Test" COPILOT postings over the next few days until I wipe the database clean via: .
Be sure to read ALL information on the updated NA-004 main webpage:
As for my past IOTA Expeditions, I will do a detailed Propagation Analysis update just before the activation. Hopefully no Solar X-Flares or other major problems to cause any more delay with this one. It would be nice if the solar condx were at least SFI=120 (the thing dreams are made of).
FYI & 73,
Rick - K 6 V V A * The Locust
IOTA Marathon DIAMOND Activator