Oct. 5th had finally been set as the NA-187 activation target date based upon moon and tidal chart info as recommended by the boat Captain (but still subject to the-night-before ocean & WX condx).
However, due to a very bad new rule by the IOTA Board, this planned NA-187 activation has been CANCELED.
It is very simple: No "ATNi FIRST" PROTOCOL allowed, so No NA-187 activation.
As one very intelligent EU low-powered 2019 IOTA Honor Roll station whose weak signal did result in a QSO from NA-004 (Tnx to "HRAL ATNi KN") stated in an email to me:
I read you previous writings with great interest. It’s strange other people on the IOTA mailing list were surprised by, or said they didn’t understand, your operating procedure. They must have lived in a cave for some years
All other intended IOTA Activation/Expedition plans are also now QRT.
I've moved on to other projects here, and due to much QRL, it will likely be another 30 days or more before I complete the detailed NA-004 recap with FACT-Based data (and audio recordings) to counteract all the "Fake News" that has been posted.
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