GPDX - Portuguese DX Group members, CT1EEQ (Luis), CT1EGW (Arlindo), CT1FPA (Duarte) and CT4NH (Luis) will be active holiday style as CS5DX (GPDX callsign), from Pessegueiro Island (EU-167) [IM57ou] on 25 - 26 July, profiting to give this IOTA and perhaps a new one! - during IOTA Contest.
Focus will be on 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters, but if 6 m is open they'll get on!
Access and stay overnight in the island is now very restricted as it is located inside Natural Park of Sudoeste Alentejano/Costa Vicentina, so also valid as #CT-FF012, DIP (Portuguese Islands Award) #BA-001 and DCFP (Portuguese Castles and Fortresses Award) #F-043.
Modes: SSB, FT8, CW QRS
QSL via CS5DX direct or ClubLog OQRS.
73 de Luis,CT4NH.
Ads for direct QSL:
GPDX - PORTUGUESE DX GROUP, Apartado 1040, EC Barcarena, 2735-999, BARCARENA, Portugal.
Focus will be on 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters, but if 6 m is open they'll get on!
Access and stay overnight in the island is now very restricted as it is located inside Natural Park of Sudoeste Alentejano/Costa Vicentina, so also valid as #CT-FF012, DIP (Portuguese Islands Award) #BA-001 and DCFP (Portuguese Castles and Fortresses Award) #F-043.
Modes: SSB, FT8, CW QRS
QSL via CS5DX direct or ClubLog OQRS.
73 de Luis,CT4NH.
Ads for direct QSL:
GPDX - PORTUGUESE DX GROUP, Apartado 1040, EC Barcarena, 2735-999, BARCARENA, Portugal.