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VK5AVB - American River - Kangaroo Island

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    VK5AVB - American River - Kangaroo Island

    Tony, VK5AVB is active from American River, Kangaroo Island, IOTA OC - 139, Australia.
    He is working on HF Bands.
    QSL via VK5AVB.
    Ads for direct QSL:
    Antony Blight, P.O.Box 287, American River, S.A., 5221, Australia.
    Information from his QRZ page:
    I am the only current operator on Kangaroo Island and just set up my station a few days ago.There has been no perminent operators here for at least 20 years and the DX here is amazing with very little QRM.I can work from the East to the West and love my DX as Im on a hill with a 16m.tower and plenty of ocean around me.

    VK5AVB Kangaroo Island

    VK5AVB Kangaroo Island DX News

    VK5AVB Kangaroo Island Antennas
    73 Al 4L5A