SV8TCK from Evia Island, Greece on 50313 now FT8.
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SV8TCK - Malakonta
SV8TCK - Malakonta
Henk Coens, SV8TCK ex ON4AUC is active from Malakonta, Eretria, Evia Island, IOTA EU - 060, Greece.
He is working on HF Bands.
QTH Locator - KM18vj.
Information from QRZ page:
Retired belgian navymen (EX-ON4AUC) with an ambition to live permanently on Evia island since January 2023 .
SV8TCK sounds quite well in CW and will not hesitate to use phone whenever conditions permits during ES on 6M.
Using homebrew antennas to get the most satisfaction from each contact made.
My antenna design icons are DK7ZB and W1JR
With the increasing sunspots and good band condx ,you will also find me now on HF , working on my DXCC status due to my new location.
The CQWPX & CQWW SSB/CW 2023 (single op LOW POWER ) was the ideal occasion to start off, using RYBAKOV vertical 80-6m band & TS480 SAT
CW operating with Bencher paddle & DK0MY nanokeyer
FT-8 &MSK144 with USB 3-MicroHAM & WSJTX
Had my first TEP experiance on 50MHZ using this vertical working 3B9FR and 3B8FA (FT-8)
Nowadays using the 50MHz 4el DK7ZB YAGI for more DX on the magic band
Looking forward to meet you all on the air from Evia island
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