RI0KA Team will be active from Ayon Island, IOTA AS - 038, Chukotka, Russia, 12 - 29 August 2024.
Team - Mikhail, RA1ALA and Valery, RA9J.
They will operate on HF Bands.
Equipment: TX: IC-7000, IC-7100, Ant: Vertical, GP. PA: 1.5kW.
QSL via RZ3EC buro, direct, ClubLog OQRS.
DXCC Country - Asiatic Russia, UA9/UA0.
QTH Locator - RP39xw.
QSOs also count for RRA: RR-10-04, RDA: CK-07
Team - Mikhail, RA1ALA and Valery, RA9J.
They will operate on HF Bands.
Equipment: TX: IC-7000, IC-7100, Ant: Vertical, GP. PA: 1.5kW.
QSL via RZ3EC buro, direct, ClubLog OQRS.
DXCC Country - Asiatic Russia, UA9/UA0.
QTH Locator - RP39xw.
QSOs also count for RRA: RR-10-04, RDA: CK-07
