DA0HEL will be active again from Helgoland Island, IOTA EU - 127, 19 - 29 March 2020.
Team - 30 operators.
QSL via buro.
Also DL0IH will be activated from the Helgoland Dune.
They will operate on HF Bands and QO100.
No announcement yet.
DA0HEL - DL0IH - Helgoland Island
DA0HEL - DL0IH - Helgoland Island
Radio Amateurs from Germany will be active as DA0HEL and DL0IH, from Helgoland Island, IOTA EU - 127, 8 - 18 March 2018.
They will operate on 160 - 17m CW, SSB, Digital modes.
QSL via DF6QC.
Ads for direct QSL:
Peter Kordsmeyer, Gaetkestrasse 514, HELGOLAND ISL, D 27498, Germany.
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