Edward W De Young, KS4AA from Clearwater, Florida, USA passed away 25 February 2020.
Ed first licensed in 1954.
He is also known as VK4AN and KH6GLU.
Information from his qrz page:
Active since 1954... 1st call was KN5COU, Corpus Christi, Texas with a borrowed Hallicrafters S-20R and Eldico TR75 at 75w to a wire windom with 5 crystals!!.
•1st DX worked was VQ6LQ in 1956!
•1st DX call was KX6BK, Kwajalein in 1963.
•1st DXpedition was KP6AP/VR3DY, Fanning Island in 1968 [we didn't stop at Palmyra!].
•1st ARRL DXCC was 1966 as K6CAA.
•Earned many operating and contest awards
•Migrated to Australia in 1974.
•Earned WIA DXCC Honor Roll, 7-B DXCC Award of Excellence, Dxer of the Year 2003.
•Past WIA Awards Manager and VK4 inwards QSL Manager.
•Returned to USA in January 2012.
•Was AE7AE until QSY to Hawaii in 2015.
•late 2015 to 2017 was Park Ranger at Hawaii Volcano NP with call NH7AA.
•Returned to Australia March 2017 for a year as VK4AN.
•Back to USA FEB 2018 and new call was KS4AA.
•Summer National Park Ranger at Glacier NP April to September 2019 with new call AE7AA
•Earned hundreds of contest & achievement awards...and still chasing them. Never stayed put long enough to get to the top of any award except in VK-land.
DXpeditions: 3D2A 3D2EE 3D2XX/Rotuma 5W1AF C21XX FW8DY T2T/T2V VI0ANT VI9NI VR3DY VS5AA... County Xpedition: KP6AP/KH6/Kalaupapa County.
Ed first licensed in 1954.
He is also known as VK4AN and KH6GLU.
Information from his qrz page:
Active since 1954... 1st call was KN5COU, Corpus Christi, Texas with a borrowed Hallicrafters S-20R and Eldico TR75 at 75w to a wire windom with 5 crystals!!.
•1st DX worked was VQ6LQ in 1956!
•1st DX call was KX6BK, Kwajalein in 1963.
•1st DXpedition was KP6AP/VR3DY, Fanning Island in 1968 [we didn't stop at Palmyra!].
•1st ARRL DXCC was 1966 as K6CAA.
•Earned many operating and contest awards
•Migrated to Australia in 1974.
•Earned WIA DXCC Honor Roll, 7-B DXCC Award of Excellence, Dxer of the Year 2003.
•Past WIA Awards Manager and VK4 inwards QSL Manager.
•Returned to USA in January 2012.
•Was AE7AE until QSY to Hawaii in 2015.
•late 2015 to 2017 was Park Ranger at Hawaii Volcano NP with call NH7AA.
•Returned to Australia March 2017 for a year as VK4AN.
•Back to USA FEB 2018 and new call was KS4AA.
•Summer National Park Ranger at Glacier NP April to September 2019 with new call AE7AA
•Earned hundreds of contest & achievement awards...and still chasing them. Never stayed put long enough to get to the top of any award except in VK-land.
DXpeditions: 3D2A 3D2EE 3D2XX/Rotuma 5W1AF C21XX FW8DY T2T/T2V VI0ANT VI9NI VR3DY VS5AA... County Xpedition: KP6AP/KH6/Kalaupapa County.