Maurice A. Charpentier, F5NQL from Moneteau, France, passed away 22 September 2020.
He was 76.
Maurice was active DXer and member of F6KOP, Clipperton DX Club, Rhein Ruhr DX Association, Bordeaux DX Group.
Maurice was member of DX Peditions and providing DX information.
Information from his qrz page:
- Born near Falaise, Normandy 2 months before the landing, in April 1944.

I was interested in radio since I was a young, with the old family BCL, which I listened for hours in the 50's. At this time the BCL covered also the 80, 40 and 20m amateur bands in AM.
Some concerts or other broadcast were sometimes jammed by funny transmissions. .
So I began to get an idea of that could be the world of Ham Radio.

Then I learnt CW, at 5 or 6 years old, with my father. I perfected my skill in the French Army,when I was 19, .

At the end of the sixties, I discovered really the Ham Radio World, but I had still no ticket.

My tickets were got then as follow:

As a Ham, I was licensed as follow:

- SWL REF 29377 (Réseau des Emetteurs Français - REF - the French IARU Society) , then FE2427 - SWL callsign At this time to get a SWL callsign issued by the French National Authority, was mandatory for listening ham radio bands- 1972

- French B Class, novice, FB1NQL, 1988 (not CEPT licence).
This Novice ticket allowed at the time CW transmitting on little parts of the 40,20,15 and 10m bands On 10 an other part could be used for SSB transmissions and on 2m we were allowed to traffic through repeaters for Hamming organization and only in FM mode.

- French general 2nd class ( CEPT full licence excepted power) FD1NQL, 1990. Three probationary years limited power at 100 watts.

- French general 1st class ( CEPT full licence) FE1NQL then F1NQL in May 1993

- F5NQL, ( French Ham reorganization, then will be issued a new F5NQL callsign (CEPT full licence & new callsign) in June 1993.

As you can see, between May 1st and June 1st 1993, I was issued three successive callsigns in 30 days

Past own special callsigns:

F89/FB1NQL (1989) for the French Revolution Bicentenary.

FBC5NQL (1998), for the World Men Soccer Championship (1998), won by France vs Brazil 3-0.

F5NQL Maurice Charpentier, Moneteau, France