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K2QBV - Joel Kornreich - Pomona - New York - USA

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    K2QBV - Joel Kornreich - Pomona - New York - USA

    Joel Harvey Kornreich, K2QBV from Pomona, New York, USA, passed away 25 December 2020.
    Joel born 19 June 1940.
    information from his qrz page
    MY BEGINNING IN AMATEUR RADIO.......Started in radio as a "short wave listener" as a 12 year old in the 5th grade with call letters (made up) of W2-SWL. Located a used Hallicrafters model S22R/Heathkit AT-1 radio transmitter and put up a 150 foot (22 gauge) long wire in a New York City apartment (flat). Licensed in the 7th grade junior high school as KN2QBV, interest grew from CW to RTTY to slow scan, and finally to DXing where it remains today.
    In the seventh grade junior high school shop class, my project was to build a radio, a crystal radio set with cat whiskers until the 1N34 diode came along. The second real project of a three tube TRF that actually worked. Soon after went on to build a Heathkit AT-1, DX35, Heathkit DX100 AM transmitter and obtained a National NC300 receiver with the help of my father. Next project taken from Wayne Green's '73 magazine was a W2EWL surplus conversion of a WWII ARC-5 military BC458 into a (SSB) sideband phasing transmitter. And there I was, at 15 in the mid 1950s having been a pioneer on single sideband and good bye AM forever.
    THE FUN OF AMATEUR RADIO........ I now maintain regular 20/40 meter schedules with friends in Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. A few of our DX friends have invited my wife and I to stay as a house guest and visiting operator in many foreign locations. Now that I have retired from business in mid 2004, I can dedicate more time to traveling and visiting additional ham friends around the world from Europe to South Africa to the Far East and "down under" for the last 16 years to Australia and New Zealand...

    K2QBV Joel Kornreich, Pomona, New York, USA
    73 Al 4L5A