Wim Elbers, ON6TZ, XU7TZG, XU7POS, XU7TAS, from Knokke Heist, Belgium, passed away.
Information from his qrz page:
Not active anymore from ON-land (Belgikistan). Now QRV as XU7TZG (from Kompong Som / Sihanoukville, Cambodia). Have activated Koh Pos island, AS-133, as XU7POS and Koh Tas island AS-133 & ARLHS CAB-006 with the call sign XU7TAS. Sometimes QRV from Koh Russei island, AS-133 with the call XU7TAS.
Information received from Marc Domen, OO9O.
Information from his qrz page:
Not active anymore from ON-land (Belgikistan). Now QRV as XU7TZG (from Kompong Som / Sihanoukville, Cambodia). Have activated Koh Pos island, AS-133, as XU7POS and Koh Tas island AS-133 & ARLHS CAB-006 with the call sign XU7TAS. Sometimes QRV from Koh Russei island, AS-133 with the call XU7TAS.
Information received from Marc Domen, OO9O.