Rodney R. Hoffman, G0CBO ex G6NQX from Taverham, Norwich, England passed away.
He Born in 1948.
Rodney was active Radio Amateur.
Information received from M0ZAH.
Information from G0CBO page on QRZ:
Decided to work CW as it seems to be a dying mode, what with modern computers,I Pads and E Mails,Skype and Mobile Phones etc the art of communication seems to have gone in another direction, hence my little protest and working CW, although my CW skills can leave a lot to be desired.
SKCC mem No 19596
Not against computers but have to admit they seem to be taking over all aspects of everyday life.
Station is quite well equipped KENWOOD TS590, YAESU FT 920, KENWOOD TS-440S, ICOM IC7300 run approx 80 watts into simple wire dipole or GP80 vertical , ground mounted with radials buried under the lawn
Recently added a Yaesu FT991A to the shack and having a dabble at FT8. Not keen on MGM modes but with band conditions at present it seems the only way to get contacts. Surprised as you do not seem to need a lot of power to complete contacts on FT8. Been working mostly 10 and 15 mtrs on this mode
Enjoy Six Metres when band is open
Very fortunate that I live halfway up a hill and seem to have a reasonable take off on HF
Having lots of fun using CW and amazed at the number of people still enjoying CW.
Enjoy restoring and playing with older radios and Hi Fi equipment and experimenting with different antenna set ups.
Also a member of Norfolk Amateur Radio Club. N.A.R.C
Now retired but spent most of my working life as an Electrical Fitter/Wireman and a spell of working in Electronics Industry. My later career was assisting students at Norwich City College with Electrical and Electronic courses. Also very keen on wildlife and the countryside. I spent a number of years as a Volunteer for the Broads Authority and assisting with the Seal Colony at Horsey/Winterton.
My initial interest was from the early 60s when offshore/pirate radio was about, listening to these stations made me curious about Radio and have had a strong interest since.
In the late 70s and early 80s when CB came into being in the U.K. I used to play on SSB and AM, that was it got hooked , I joined a local Radio Club , received a lot of encouragement and good advice from various members, studied hard to pass the RAE, applied for a Class B call sign G6NQX and worked 144mhz SSB for many years. A few years later studied for the Morse Test, back in those days you had to send and receive at 12 wpm to obtain a Class A license to get on the H.F. Bands. Shortly after Amateur Radio as an operator was put on the back burner but always been and still am a keen S.W.L. Recently I have been very active on 10 and 40 mts and have had some great contacts. I look forward to the summer months and working sporadic Es on 10 and 6 mtrs.
Welcome all reports. S.W.L. reports most welcome as I am still a keen S.W.L.
He Born in 1948.
Rodney was active Radio Amateur.
Information received from M0ZAH.
Information from G0CBO page on QRZ:
Decided to work CW as it seems to be a dying mode, what with modern computers,I Pads and E Mails,Skype and Mobile Phones etc the art of communication seems to have gone in another direction, hence my little protest and working CW, although my CW skills can leave a lot to be desired.
SKCC mem No 19596
Not against computers but have to admit they seem to be taking over all aspects of everyday life.
Station is quite well equipped KENWOOD TS590, YAESU FT 920, KENWOOD TS-440S, ICOM IC7300 run approx 80 watts into simple wire dipole or GP80 vertical , ground mounted with radials buried under the lawn
Recently added a Yaesu FT991A to the shack and having a dabble at FT8. Not keen on MGM modes but with band conditions at present it seems the only way to get contacts. Surprised as you do not seem to need a lot of power to complete contacts on FT8. Been working mostly 10 and 15 mtrs on this mode
Enjoy Six Metres when band is open
Very fortunate that I live halfway up a hill and seem to have a reasonable take off on HF
Having lots of fun using CW and amazed at the number of people still enjoying CW.
Enjoy restoring and playing with older radios and Hi Fi equipment and experimenting with different antenna set ups.
Also a member of Norfolk Amateur Radio Club. N.A.R.C
Now retired but spent most of my working life as an Electrical Fitter/Wireman and a spell of working in Electronics Industry. My later career was assisting students at Norwich City College with Electrical and Electronic courses. Also very keen on wildlife and the countryside. I spent a number of years as a Volunteer for the Broads Authority and assisting with the Seal Colony at Horsey/Winterton.
My initial interest was from the early 60s when offshore/pirate radio was about, listening to these stations made me curious about Radio and have had a strong interest since.
In the late 70s and early 80s when CB came into being in the U.K. I used to play on SSB and AM, that was it got hooked , I joined a local Radio Club , received a lot of encouragement and good advice from various members, studied hard to pass the RAE, applied for a Class B call sign G6NQX and worked 144mhz SSB for many years. A few years later studied for the Morse Test, back in those days you had to send and receive at 12 wpm to obtain a Class A license to get on the H.F. Bands. Shortly after Amateur Radio as an operator was put on the back burner but always been and still am a keen S.W.L. Recently I have been very active on 10 and 40 mts and have had some great contacts. I look forward to the summer months and working sporadic Es on 10 and 6 mtrs.
Welcome all reports. S.W.L. reports most welcome as I am still a keen S.W.L.