He Born 11 July 1955.
Mark was active Radio Amateur, active DXer very active on 6m Band.
Information from his QRZ page:
My favorite band of operation is 6 meters and has been for the past 46 years ! I currently have 127 DXCC worked and 127 confirmed on 'The Magic Band'. My favorite mode of operation is CW and FT8 Digital Mode, however, occassionally you will catch me on SSB when band conditions are ripe. I am the administrator for the prestigious "6 on 6" award which is presented to any ham who presents confirmation of having worked at least six stations with the suffix of 'SIX' on 6 meters, any mode, mixed modes are ok. Upon submission of your confirmed contacts a very nice 8.5 X 11 certificate will be issued with your callsign and acknowledgement of your accomplishment ! For details or to submit information please e-mail me at: wn3six@gmail.com
Winter of 2019-2020 I was fortunate enough to have purchased a nice, working Heathkit SB-220 from a local ham friend which I had been looking for quite some time as I have had the desire to convert one of them for use as a monoband 6 meter amplifier for my station. Prior to actually performing the conversion I did a LOT of research as I wanted to incorporate only the best engineering practices and design. Additional guidance was provided by several hams that are very knowledgeable on the subject. Numerous modifications were incorporated into this conversion. Below are some pictures of my project.