Serge G. Hochberg, YL2MU ex UQ2MU from Jelgava, Latvia, passed away 6 July 2023.
He born in 1946.
Serge was active Radio Amateur, active DXer and Contester.
Information from his QRZ page:
DXCC Honor Roll #1 (Mixed)
DXCC Honor Roll #1 (Phone)
DXCC Honor Roll (CW)
DXCC RTTY/Digital 305 wkd/cfm
DXCC Challenge "2670"
5 Band DXCC (+WARC & 160M)
5 Band WAZ
160M WAZ
VUCC-50MHz (350 Grids)
Information received from Vadim, UN7FW.

He born in 1946.
Serge was active Radio Amateur, active DXer and Contester.
Information from his QRZ page:
DXCC Honor Roll #1 (Mixed)
DXCC Honor Roll #1 (Phone)
DXCC Honor Roll (CW)
DXCC RTTY/Digital 305 wkd/cfm
DXCC Challenge "2670"
5 Band DXCC (+WARC & 160M)
5 Band WAZ
160M WAZ
VUCC-50MHz (350 Grids)
Information received from Vadim, UN7FW.