Special callsign VI4ALARA will be in use between 1 July and 30 September to promote the Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association's ALARA meeting that will be held in Cairns, Queensland.
The Special Event callsign VI4ALARA will be active on all HF Bands from July 1st 2017 until September 30th 2017.
The call will be activated by a number of YL operators in VK4 (Queensland).
QSL's will be via Club Log and OQRS and will be processed at the end of the 3 month activation.
The Special Event callsign VI4ALARA will be active on all HF Bands from July 1st 2017 until September 30th 2017.
The call will be activated by a number of YL operators in VK4 (Queensland).
QSL's will be via Club Log and OQRS and will be processed at the end of the 3 month activation.