Jean-Michel John Vancauwenberghe, ON7ER will be active with special call OR7ER from Antoing, Belgium, 25 October - 25 December 2019, for the 18th birthday of the Crown Princess Elisabeth.
He will operate on HF Bands.
QSL via email request.
Information from qrz page:
October 25, 2019 will mark the birthday of Her Royal Highness Princess Elisabeth of Belgium.
The Belgians will celebrate the 18 years of the future first sovereign queen of the Belgians.
In this context, BIPT was contacted by the Belgian Royal Union of Amateur-Transmitters, "UBA", to authorize the use of a special prefix by radio amateurs for this occasion.
The BIPT Council authorizes each holder of a Belgian area code, radio amateur and radioclubs, to use the prefix "OR" instead of the standard prefix "ON" and this during the period from 25 October 2019 to 25 December 2019 included.

OR7ER Crown Princess Elisabeth, Antoing, Belgium