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SX1SVA - Greece

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    SX1SVA - Greece

    13 & 14 November 2021 In February 1999, after 90 years of continuous operation, all the traditional coastal radio stations that handled traffic with ships at sea were silenced all over the world at the same time. They were replaced by modern stations that now use digital modes and satellite systems to communicate with the ships. However, in every corner of the globe, there will always be those eternal lovers of the old Morse Code era and the legendary "Marconista", who paved the way for modern digital communications and which we must never forget. This is exactly why this event is taking place. On November 13 and 14, 2021, coastal radio stations from around the world will be staffed by amateur radio operators and will be revived for 48 hours. These operators will use Morse code, also referred to as CW, replicating the method of communication used at the time. The aim of the event is to revive the interest in Morse code among amateur radio operators giving them the opportunity to contact these stations and each other. Commemorative QSL cards will be available to all amateur operators and Short Wave Listeners - SWLs, who contact these stations. One of the biggest and certainly the busiest coastal radio station in the world, at the time, was AthinaiRadio/SVA. Located just 30 km east of the capital, Athens, in Loutsa (now Artemis), Athinai Radio/SVA handled thousands of messages every day from ships all over the world. Rescue at sea was the first duty for the station of course. Greece and SVA are ready for this pioneering project, which will be repeated on the second weekend of November each year. Broadcasts will be made from one of the actual physical locations used by SVA and operators will be veteran SVA operators who will use the special call SX1SVA. Send a request to participate to This event is an initiative of the Dx Plus - Hellenic Radio Amateur Team. Thank you in advance for your participation.

    73 Teo Giamtsidis, SV1GRM.

    SX1SVA Greece
    73 Al 4L5A