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RP78PS - Smolensk - Russia

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    RP78PS - Smolensk - Russia

    RP78PS Special Event station will be active from Smolensk, Russia, 1 - 9 May 2023, commemorating 78th Anniversary of the Victory in Second World War.
    Team - RZ3LA, R3LT, R3LAF.
    They will operate on HF Bands.
    QSL via R3LAF buro.
    QTH locator - KO65oc.
    Information from their QRZ page:
    Former center of the partisan movement 1941-1943

    In the Smolensk region In the initial period (July-December 1941) - the birth of the partisan movement. At that time, over 40 partisan detachments were operating in the Smolensk region, and already on September 7, 1941, the Sovinformburo celebrated the successful struggle of the Smolensk partisans.

    In 1941-1943, 120 partisan detachments and formations, numbering more than 60 thousand partisans, fought in the Smolensk region. They destroyed over 200 thousand Hitlerites, blew up and burned 1,354 military echelons, blew up 85 railway and 498 highway bridges, destroyed 18 railway stations, 186 enemy garrisons, shot down 58 aircraft, distracted a large number of fascist troops from hostilities at the front.

    Over 10 thousand Smolensk partisans were awarded orders and medals. Partisans - demolitionists V. Kurylenko and P. Galetsky, commander of the Thirteen partisan formation S.V. Grishin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

    RP78PS Smolensk, Russia
    73 Al 4L5A