Laila Zaidan, HZ1HZ is active from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
She is working on HF Bands.
QSL via N7RO or OE1LZA.
Ads for direct QSL:
OE1LZA Laila Zaidan, Alszeile 117 / 23, WIEN A-1170, Austria.
Information from Laila:
The original holder of this call sign was Sheikh Ahmad Zaidan; my late father. I am not here to take over his place in the HAM radio world or to replace him in any way because he is irreplaceable. I am here to keep this precious call sign warm and going on from one generation to another.
HZ1HZ was issued in 1949 to Ahmad Zaidan who was the first Saudi to obtain an amateur radio license. This year I am honored to retain this call sign and became the first Saudi woman to obtain a HAM radio license in the western province of Saudi Arabia and the only active YL in the whole country. It was not an easy task to reach this achievement. I had to go through the Saudi Ham Radio exam on the 31 of December 2013 with 20 others, I am proud to be the only YL and the only person to pass it.
My first call sign was OE1LZA which I obtained from Vienna, Austria. Later, I added OE3LZA for my second location.
Dear YLs and OMs, I proudly announce the completion of my shack in HZ land.
In April 2014 I was able to operate officially with the call HZ1HZ from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This could not have happened without the great job of Emir OE1EMS / E77DX and his assistant Ashraf. Both of them worked hard assembling the Stepp IR antenna and mounting it on a 10 m Mast on top of the building. Emir OE1EMS / E77DX was impressive in testing and calibrating the station.
I'm most grateful to my brother Mohamed Zaidan for his full support and for providing the Mast and the manpower needed.
Shortly after that I was honored by the request from the HZ OMs to join them working a special event with the call HZ2014WARD. It was my great pleasure and excitement to work this event. I do appreciate this fast acceptance and trust for a YL newcomer like me.
See you down the log!
vy 73,
de Laila HZ1HZ

She is working on HF Bands.
QSL via N7RO or OE1LZA.
Ads for direct QSL:
OE1LZA Laila Zaidan, Alszeile 117 / 23, WIEN A-1170, Austria.
Information from Laila:
The original holder of this call sign was Sheikh Ahmad Zaidan; my late father. I am not here to take over his place in the HAM radio world or to replace him in any way because he is irreplaceable. I am here to keep this precious call sign warm and going on from one generation to another.
HZ1HZ was issued in 1949 to Ahmad Zaidan who was the first Saudi to obtain an amateur radio license. This year I am honored to retain this call sign and became the first Saudi woman to obtain a HAM radio license in the western province of Saudi Arabia and the only active YL in the whole country. It was not an easy task to reach this achievement. I had to go through the Saudi Ham Radio exam on the 31 of December 2013 with 20 others, I am proud to be the only YL and the only person to pass it.
My first call sign was OE1LZA which I obtained from Vienna, Austria. Later, I added OE3LZA for my second location.
Dear YLs and OMs, I proudly announce the completion of my shack in HZ land.
In April 2014 I was able to operate officially with the call HZ1HZ from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. This could not have happened without the great job of Emir OE1EMS / E77DX and his assistant Ashraf. Both of them worked hard assembling the Stepp IR antenna and mounting it on a 10 m Mast on top of the building. Emir OE1EMS / E77DX was impressive in testing and calibrating the station.
I'm most grateful to my brother Mohamed Zaidan for his full support and for providing the Mast and the manpower needed.
Shortly after that I was honored by the request from the HZ OMs to join them working a special event with the call HZ2014WARD. It was my great pleasure and excitement to work this event. I do appreciate this fast acceptance and trust for a YL newcomer like me.
See you down the log!
vy 73,
de Laila HZ1HZ
