International CW Operators Hamfest 2018 Part 1

Continuing its thirty year old tradition CW club U-QRQ-C has the honor to invite all CW and Shortwave fans to the International CW Operators HAMfest.
HAMfest will be held, as last year, in Radiograd, Moscow region, on August 24 – 27, 2018.
The HAMfest’s Lucky Charm is still a high speed QRQ HAMster, who had been running for dear life and reached his running destination.
This year the HAMfest will be held with participation and support of:
* City Sports-Technical Radio Club of Moscow;
* “Live Villages” project;
* Museum of the Industrial Culture;
* Internet Portal;
* Kingdom of Bir Tawil;
* Independent international almanac “World of Short Waves”;
* Ukranian Radio Portal;
* International Amateur Radio Contest DX Club of UNO;
And other organizations whose names will be published later.
There is no requirement to operate CW (Morse Code) at QRQ speeds in order to participation in the HAMfest (it is not HST World Championship with participants selection), nor to operate CW at all, though it is highly desirable. It’s enough if you are fascinated with short waves as a whole. And then – who knows – maybe coming to the HAMfest will push you to study> Morse Code in the future. But do watch how QRQ masters do it.
Those who want to bring your entire family – you are welcome! Keep in mind, though, that living conditions will be closer to “field-style” than “city living”. So be ready. Regardless, both young participants and XYLs (wives) will have plenty to occupy themselves with. The organizers listened to one of the participant’s XYL and her wishes were considered:
Yuri, 3W8AA. reported that the following issues were tackled:
– The shower is already working.
– Negotiations with goldfishes were also conducted – they agreed to be caught with spinning rods.
– Mushrooms question is under study. Anyway, you may bring your owns and plant them under the pines.
– Registration of the participants is already open. So we could arrange everything in time, bring your country’s flag, participant certificate, your callsign badge and other “attributes”
– Do inform us in advance about your anticipated arrival.
For registration information and other matters which may arise, please contact HAMfest crew organizers either via e-mail, or via Skype or telephones:
* Lilia EW7L: email:; Skype: lilvas1954, telephone in Belorussia & Viber: +375-29-108-30-75;
* Valery R2SA: e-mail:; telephone in Russia & WhatsApp: +7-906-646-47-14
* Edward NT2X: e-mail:; telephone in USA +1-718-891-3535;
* Yuri 3W8AA: telephone in Russia +7-903-795-98-91.
Participation in the HAMfest is free (no fee). Moreover, your money is no good in Radiograd: HAMfest area is free of commerce of any kind. So bring anything you might need, and if you will forget anything – your new friends will help you. Bring extras and spares to share with others and it will be enough for everyone around. See the details below.

Continuing its thirty year old tradition CW club U-QRQ-C has the honor to invite all CW and Shortwave fans to the International CW Operators HAMfest.
HAMfest will be held, as last year, in Radiograd, Moscow region, on August 24 – 27, 2018.
The HAMfest’s Lucky Charm is still a high speed QRQ HAMster, who had been running for dear life and reached his running destination.
This year the HAMfest will be held with participation and support of:
* City Sports-Technical Radio Club of Moscow;
* “Live Villages” project;
* Museum of the Industrial Culture;
* Internet Portal;
* Kingdom of Bir Tawil;
* Independent international almanac “World of Short Waves”;
* Ukranian Radio Portal;
* International Amateur Radio Contest DX Club of UNO;
And other organizations whose names will be published later.
There is no requirement to operate CW (Morse Code) at QRQ speeds in order to participation in the HAMfest (it is not HST World Championship with participants selection), nor to operate CW at all, though it is highly desirable. It’s enough if you are fascinated with short waves as a whole. And then – who knows – maybe coming to the HAMfest will push you to study> Morse Code in the future. But do watch how QRQ masters do it.
Those who want to bring your entire family – you are welcome! Keep in mind, though, that living conditions will be closer to “field-style” than “city living”. So be ready. Regardless, both young participants and XYLs (wives) will have plenty to occupy themselves with. The organizers listened to one of the participant’s XYL and her wishes were considered:
Yuri, 3W8AA. reported that the following issues were tackled:
– The shower is already working.
– Negotiations with goldfishes were also conducted – they agreed to be caught with spinning rods.
– Mushrooms question is under study. Anyway, you may bring your owns and plant them under the pines.
– Registration of the participants is already open. So we could arrange everything in time, bring your country’s flag, participant certificate, your callsign badge and other “attributes”
– Do inform us in advance about your anticipated arrival.
For registration information and other matters which may arise, please contact HAMfest crew organizers either via e-mail, or via Skype or telephones:
* Lilia EW7L: email:; Skype: lilvas1954, telephone in Belorussia & Viber: +375-29-108-30-75;
* Valery R2SA: e-mail:; telephone in Russia & WhatsApp: +7-906-646-47-14
* Edward NT2X: e-mail:; telephone in USA +1-718-891-3535;
* Yuri 3W8AA: telephone in Russia +7-903-795-98-91.
Participation in the HAMfest is free (no fee). Moreover, your money is no good in Radiograd: HAMfest area is free of commerce of any kind. So bring anything you might need, and if you will forget anything – your new friends will help you. Bring extras and spares to share with others and it will be enough for everyone around. See the details below.