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Rebel DX Group News 22 March 2024

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    Rebel DX Group News 22 March 2024

    Here is what we decided to do.
    Last time when we back from Banaba T33T we simply asked for some small support for the local kindergarten in Banaba (check pictures below) Unfortunately nothing really happens as usuall.
    In this case, as we are planning to go back there for T33T Part 2.
    We are offering something very very rare for a simple bidding.
    The highest bidder will receive
    Zorro JH1AJT’s autobiography book
    '' My life'' which was printed in just a few copies for Zorro’s best friends.
    This copy was gifted to Dom.
    The book of 128 pages shows Zorro’s life story from a small boy to a skinny man with a big heart who supports children around the world more than most of us can imagine.
    Hundreds of pictures never published.
    All the money from the book will go to Banaba’s small kids-one of the poorest nations on earth.
    The kids have no tables, no chairs, they play with wooden sticks on empty floors.
    We really hope some of the dx foundations will join the bidding as Zorro donated HUGE!!! amounts of money to Indexa for humanitarian aid, and this money should be spent on similar projects to support kids. From our knowledge nothing really happens. So DX Foundations, here you get something that you should have in your club.
    Bidding starts from USD 1000.
    It finishes on the last day of March at 23:59 utc
    Money from this bidding will be used to get the most important things for the kids of Banaba.
    You can bid for the book making a comment or email if you want to be anonymous.
    Please share. If you not willing to means this page is not for you.

    73 Al 4L5A

    Today we received email from 1 Japanese operator who want to bid on Zorro book and support Banaba kids with amount of $6500 USD. He also request if we can close this auction and send book back to Japan where was written.
    This amount will change Banaba kids life for long time.
    Book sold to the highest bidder to anonymous radio operator from Japan. Payment was made already and received.
    Case is closed.
    Rebel DX Group.
    73 Al 4L5A



      Charity is easy with other people’s money.
      Many Western governments practice large-scale charity which is called Foreign Aid, wildly spending taxpayers’ money. Sweden alone has wasted billions of dollars on megabuck disastrous projects in Africa and Asia. The US shipped copious amounts of wheat to Africa in the second half of the 20th century, destroying the local agriculture and creating a huge overpopulation problem, resulting today in mass migration to Europe and the USA. The UN World Food Programme continues this scheme, reducing the incentive in the Third World, fighting the famine created by the donators.
      Charities and foundations collect plenty of money in the developed countries. A government official in a small country in West Africa once told me, off the record, that no more that five percent of the money collected for the needy actually reach the target groups.
      I was asked a few times to donate radio equipment, or money, to local people who’d shown interest in what we are doing. Some of them believe that Amateur Radio is a business practised for profit.
      I know one case when a visitor from Europe left a complete amateur radio station with a state of the art transceiver, a heavy duty tower and a huge directional antenna complete with a robust rotator, to a local radio operator in West Africa. The next step was that the local operator asked other visitors to use this station under his call sign, so he could collect the QSL-card money. Finally, he sold everything.
      I do not believe in charities and other goodwill foundation - I have seen too many crooks, living in luxury, exploiting the volunteers and laughing loud when counting the money.
      If I could afford it, I would give some of my own money directly to a bona fide purpose.
      Charity and Foreign Aid are politics, there are always strings attached. Keep the politics separated from Ham Radio.

