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TM4Q - Berthenay - France

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    TM4Q - Berthenay - France

    TM4Q is contest call for F6FYA and F5SQM Team active from Berthenay, France.
    Working condition :

    FT 1000 MP MARK V - FT 1000 MP - IC 746 PRO - COMMANDER HF 2500 E - ALPIN 200 - FL 2100 Z - 5 el 20 at 21 m - 5 el 15 at 17 m - 5 el 10 at 17 m - 3 ELT KLM 40 M at 24 m - 40 M Dipole - 4 Square 80 m and dipoles - 160 m Shunt-Feed and Vertical.

    K9AY antenna system and BEVERAGES to receive.

    Working only in CW, most of the time, I'm in a mono-op category. But, by the time, I created a CW team. It's a very hard job to find CW operators. Actually the team is OK, we are10but not easy gathering everybody at the same time ! We need to have a dream... and this one is to finish in the european top ten for most WWDX, WWPX and ARRL....
    QSL via F4SGU.
    Ads for direct QSL:
    Jean Pierre Poirier, Le Haut Mont, Sainte Colombe, 35134, France.

    TM4Q Berthenay, France. F6FYA.

    TM4Q Berthenay, France. Amateur Ham Radio Contest Station Antennas.

    73 Al 4L5A

    TM4Q Team will be active from Berthenay, France in CQ WW DX CW Contest, 23 - 24 November 2024.
    Team - F6FYA, F5CWU, F5PRH, F6IIT, F5OGL, F5IBV, F5MOO.
    They will operate in Multi Single Category.
    QSL via F6FYA.
    73 Al 4L5A

