VP6D News 23 October 2018
- It's been raining, we're waterlogged. In 24 hours we expect a significant storm to pass through, with heavy rainfall and up to 25 knot winds with potential for stronger gusts.
- We had some problems with the BGANs dropping off the satellite which is why DXA has occasionally not been updating in real time. We presume this is due to the WX and wet foliage. We moved both BGANs into the HQ tent, they seem to be performing better.
- We worked on the log this morning, over 27,000 Qs, 9,900 unique calls, 4,000 FT8 Qs, 141 DXCC entities.
- We know some FT8 Qs are not in the log yet, working that problem.
- FT8 odd/even resolved (we think), Control Key conflict between programs.
- Pileups continue to be energetic and reasonably well behaved. One request on SSB, please do not call over the station we're working.
- The team is doing their best to get you in the log.
- Trying to get the EME antenna assembled before the WX moves in.
- Keep the pilot reports coming in.
Team Ducie 2018
- It's been raining, we're waterlogged. In 24 hours we expect a significant storm to pass through, with heavy rainfall and up to 25 knot winds with potential for stronger gusts.
- We had some problems with the BGANs dropping off the satellite which is why DXA has occasionally not been updating in real time. We presume this is due to the WX and wet foliage. We moved both BGANs into the HQ tent, they seem to be performing better.
- We worked on the log this morning, over 27,000 Qs, 9,900 unique calls, 4,000 FT8 Qs, 141 DXCC entities.
- We know some FT8 Qs are not in the log yet, working that problem.
- FT8 odd/even resolved (we think), Control Key conflict between programs.
- Pileups continue to be energetic and reasonably well behaved. One request on SSB, please do not call over the station we're working.
- The team is doing their best to get you in the log.
- Trying to get the EME antenna assembled before the WX moves in.
- Keep the pilot reports coming in.
Team Ducie 2018