PY2XB/1 Ilha Grande 2016-06-05 18:09:36 PY2XB will be active from Ilha Grande (IOTA SA-029) 5 - 9 March 2011 as PY2XB/1. Views5631 Comments0 More...
RV0ADW/0 Sredny Island 2016-04-27 08:43:24 RV0ADW will be active from Sredny Island, ( IOTA AS-042), Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago until 28 February 2011 as RV0ADW/0. Views12634 Comments1 100% More...
F9IE/VK3/P Phillips Island 2019-09-08 08:00:42 F9IE will be active from Phillips Island (IOTA OC-136) 23 - 27 February 2011 as F9IE/VK3/P. Views6259 Comments0 More...
ZW8SM Sao Luis Island 2023-10-04 08:04:33 PT2OP will be active from Sao Luis Island, IOTA SA-016, 25 February - 5 March 2011, as ZW8SM. Views8433 Comments0 More...
EG5CI Columbretes Islands 2017-05-28 20:13:33 EA3GHZ, EA5DTV, EA5EOR and EA5KA will be active from Columbretes Islands, IOTA EU-069, 7 - 10 April 2011 as EG5CI. Views4211 Comments0 More...
HR9/WQ7R Honduras 2011 2018-02-03 21:26:34 WQ7R is currently active from Honduras as HR9/WQ7R. Views4832 Comments0 More...
VK7FLI Flinders Island 2017-08-14 10:29:50 VK7FLI is currently active from Flinders Island (IOTA OC-195), Australia. Views5717 Comments0 More...
FO/K8AQM Moorea Island 2016-07-27 13:02:03 K8AQM will be active from Moorea Island (IOTA OC-046) in ARRL DX CW Contest 20 February 2011 as FO/K8AQM. Views6136 Comments0 More...
Canary Islands ED8A 2024-03-30 21:18:10 EA8AY will be active from Canary Islands in ARRL DX CW Contest 19 - 20 February 2011 as ED8A. Views7778 Comments2 100% More...
HI2RCD Saona Island 2016-05-11 10:36:01 Members of Radio Club Dominicano will be active from Saona Island (IOTA NA-122) 5 - 6 February 2011 as HI2RCD. Views5890 Comments0 More...
HP1/DL2BP HP1/DJ2ST Contadora Island 2017-03-17 19:40:00 DL2BP and DJ2ST will be active from Contadora Island, (IOTA NA-072), Panama 6 - 17 February 2011 as HP1/DL2BP and HP1/DJ2ST. Views8655 Comments0 More...
HI0RCD The Month of the Patria Dominican Republic 2023-04-16 17:18:36 THE RADIO CLUB DOMINICANO INC. Invites you to celebrate THE MONTH OF THE PATRIA beginning on January 26,2011 commemorating the birthday of our father of the Patria, JUAN PABLO DUARTE. Views5146 Comments0 More...
VY0JA Ellesmere Island 2011 2019-09-26 09:13:10 VY1JA will be active from Ellesmere Island (IOTA NA-008) starting 26 February 2011 as VY0JA. Views6313 Comments0 More...
Sakhalin Island R0/KE5JA 2019-08-20 18:28:13 KE5JA is currently active from Sakhalin Island as R0/KE5JA. Views34284 Comments0 More...
PY7CRA Itamaraca Island 2016-09-11 10:23:27 PY7GK, PY7LZ, PY7VI, PY7XC, PY7ZY and PU7RLM will be active from Itamaraca Island (IOTA SA-046) 11 - 13 February 2011 as PY7CRA. Views7000 Comments0 More...