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RSGB IOTA Page 109

DU7/N7ET Negros Island

DU7/N7ET Negros Island

2017-08-14 12:10:24
N7ET is currently active from Negros Island, IOTA OC - 129, Philippines as DU7/N7ET.
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4A4A Revillagigedo Islands

4A4A Revillagigedo Islands

2023-03-23 22:38:25
International team will be active from Revillagigedo Islands (IOTA NA-030) in March 2011 as 4A4A.
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Loloata Island P29VCX

Loloata Island P29VCX

2017-05-08 14:30:56
SM6CVX will be active from Loloata Island (IOTA OC-240), Papua New Guinea 25 - 27 April 2011 as P29VCX.
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Misima Island P29VCX

Misima Island P29VCX

2017-05-08 14:35:13
SM6CVX will be active from Misima Island, IOTA OC-117, Louisiade Archipelago, Papua New Guinea 22 - 25 April 2011 as P29VCX.
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P29VLR Green Island

P29VLR Green Island

2017-05-15 19:39:31
SM6CVX, G3KHZ, CT1AGF, G3JKX and G3UKV will be active from Green Island, IOTA OC-231, Papua New Guinea 15 - 18 April 2011 as P29VLR.
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P29NI Nuguria Islands

P29NI Nuguria Islands

2019-08-30 20:40:39
SM6CVX, G3KHZ, CT1AGF, G3JKX and G3UKV will be active from Nuguria Islands, (IOTA OC-257), Papua New Guinea 8 - 14 April 2011 as P29NI.
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P29VCX Feni Islands

P29VCX Feni Islands

2017-05-08 14:33:29
SM6CVX, G3KHZ, CT1AGF, G3JKX and G3UKV will be active from Feni Islands, IOTA OC-101), Papua New Guinea 2 - 7 April 2011 as P29VCX.
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LU1ZS Half Moon Island LU8DIP

LU1ZS Half Moon Island LU8DIP

2021-04-04 15:44:39
LU8DIP will be active from Half Moon Island, (IOTA AN-010), South Shetland Islands until middle March 2011 from LU1ZS Club Station.
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DU1/SM0MDG DU1/EA3NT Tablas Island

DU1/SM0MDG DU1/EA3NT Tablas Island

2019-09-27 15:36:10
SM0MDG and EA3NT will be active from Tablas Island (IOTA OC-244), Philippines 17 - 21 January 2011 as DU1/SM0MDG and DU1/EA3NT.
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DX0DX Thitu Pagasa Island Spratly Islands

DX0DX Thitu Pagasa Island Spratly Islands

2023-05-04 02:18:59
VK3FY, VK3FGRC, K3LP, DV1UD, VK3FNIK, N6PSE, VK2GR, VK2FXGR, VK6YS, VK3GK, DU1EV, SM0MDG, EA3NT, DU9XO, 4F1OZ, AH6HY, IZ7ATN, K1LZ, YT1AD, F2JD, N6NKT, RA9USU, K7HC, VU2SWS, GM3POI, GM0WED, GM0RLZ, N6TQS, K1ZM, I2VGW, YT6W and YU1AU will be active from from Thitu (Pagasa) Island, Spratly Islands, IOTA AS-051, 6 January - 1 February 2011 as DX0DX.
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3D2RB Nadi Denarau Island

3D2RB Nadi Denarau Island

2017-09-24 19:07:32
OH1LEG, OH3RB and OH8KXK will be active from Nadi Island, Fiji until 4 January 2011 as 3D2RB.
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HI9/IK2NGW Cayo Levantado Island

HI9/IK2NGW Cayo Levantado Island

2017-05-11 20:48:00
IK2GNW will be active from Cayo Levantado Island, IOTA NA-122, Dominican Republic for 2 month starting 27 January 2011 as HI9/IK2GNW.
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2199 articles found