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4A4A Revillagigedo Islands

International team will be active from Revillagigedo Islands (IOTA NA-030) in March 2011 as 4A4A.
They will be active HF Bands.
QSL via EB7DX.

Revillagigedo Islands 4A4A

Revillagigedo Islands DX News 4A4A

4A4A Revillagigedo Islands comments forum

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Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: iw5bms
  • 2019-12-03 11:26:44
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: XE1ITJ
  • 2011-02-26 01:26:52
Después de estar recibiendo reclamaciones de todo el mundo, a través de mi Email en Internet, durante todo un año, me veo en la necesidad de escribir esta pagina en donde tratare de aclarar cual fue mi posición en la Dxpedition XF4MX la cual se llevo a cabo el mes de marzo de 1999. Ante todo quiero aclarar que únicamente fui vocero de la misma además de estación piloto, y que al termino de esta, también termino mi responsabilidad, ya que el responsable legal de XF4MX es el Sr. Marcos Campos cuyo distintivo de llamada era XE1MX, y digo que era porque a ultima fechas cambio de distintivo y actualmente aparece con uno nuevo que es XE1B además de tener un distintivo otorgado por Los Estados unidos de Norte América que es el NA6U Estos datos los pueden confirmar, visitando la pagina de WWW.QRZ.COM en donde se darán cuenta que los tres distintivos están a nombre da la misma persona, únicamente cambian las direcciones y por supuesto el apartado postal. La dirección en México, D.F. del Sr. Marcos Campos es Lava 173 Pedregal de San Angel y el teléfono de su casa es 5568 3437 esto es para las personas que se quieran poner en contacto con él y reclamar el envío de sus Tarjetas QSL por las cuales mandaron dinero para los gastos de correo. Nuevamente repito que yo no tengo nada que ver con los Logs y la distribución de las tarjetas QSL, si a mí vienen dirigidas las reclamaciones es porque yo hice las invitaciones para este evento a las diferentes asociaciones en el mundo y fue INTERNET el medio para hacerlas llegar. Atentamente Luis G. Noyola Loera XE1ITJ
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: XE3TT
  • 2011-01-31 07:17:16
Daer HAM's do them get a comment that our friend Saul XE2HQI is circulating by email's Greetings from XE3TT To those concerned: My name is Saul Ariel Camacho Navarro with callsign XE2HQI, current, live in CD. Constitution, B. C. S.; Mexico. I communicate with you with the reason to make the following suggestion. In recent days we have had some Mexican amateur radio news activating islands of our country, in many cases they are duly legal but others do not clear, according to the norms of our authority. Some colleagues have operated our islands with their code using a DIAGONAL to separate the prefix of the island indeed up on that wrong, first must be the prefix of the place where opera, then personal callsign. This is incorecto but unfortunately not want to make the payment to COFETEL so that their work is legal. This obliges us to put our eyes open so we do not allow such incorrect actions and demonstrate to the world of amateur radio that we are a strong work team and that laws and agreements are respected. This is because is pending a callsign to work on the Revillagigedo archipelago as "4A4A" and that according to where nosotroos know it is not correct, as the prefix for this island the prefix must be XF4 because it is well recognized in the field of amateur radio worldwide, covered it so the majors such as FMRE, ARRL, IARU, JARL, IOTA, etc. Can be said that this island is of great importance to the world of amateur radio as a DXCC entity and program IOTA Islands on the air) also supports but with the prefix "xf4″." According to COFETEL, to work on an island as a requirement both must go over classicizing and in this case it is totally opposite. How is this then? How could believe in our authorities if law is failing? I really would not like we were the mockery of the whole world in the field of amateur radio, we must put in high to our Mexico in all directions. Let us assume that the amateur radio classicizing being radio, team then not be activated, for what undertake our XE colleagues if they have no economic or human support? Last November I went to a DXpedición to XF1HUQ operating radio telegraphy and we bring our entire team of directional antennas, amplifiers and radios We deal not with any overseas to do our job, we are not anyone of our authority; COFETEL whom I am very grateful for such as immediate support that is we gave. With all the respect you deserve please for the sake of the Mexican amateur radio to meet rights officially required, as prefix XF4 and having the majority of amateur radio Mexicans to participate in the event. Will it give me much joy activate XF4 because I just confirmed it at 40 to 80 meters in SSB, now I hope XF4 to CW; but it correctly. Above thank and is beforehand that will put our country on top. XE2HQI Saul 73´s "ALWAYS CW"