Sergey, UX0HX, Oleg, RK3FA, Alex, UT5UY, Yuriy, UT1HF, Oleg, US7UX, Leo, UR3HR and Yuriy Grushevskiy SWL will be active from Canton Island (IOTA OC-043), Phoenix Islands Group, Central Kiribati 22 May - 1 June 2010 as T31X.
Ukrainian DXpeditioners Team (UDXT) UX0HX, RK3FA, UT5UY, UT1HF, US7UX, UR3HR and SWL Yuri Grushevskiy will be active from Samoa 18 - 19 may 2010 as 5W0OX.
The Council of Europe Radio Amateur Club will be active March 12th to 14th 2010 with the call TP60CE in SSB, CW, RTTY, PSK, SATELLITE to commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the Convention of Human Rights.