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Search results for tag 3d2z

3D2ZF Taveuni Island

3D2ZF Taveuni Island

2013-02-14 17:35:19
W8ERI will be active from Taveuni Island (IOTA OC-016) 17-23 February 2013 as 3D2ZF
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3D2ZY Viti Levu Island

3D2ZY Viti Levu Island

2016-07-25 11:19:13
PY7ZY will be active Viti Levu Island ( IOTA OC-016), Fiji 11 - 15 October 2012 as 3D2ZY.
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3D2ZW Fiji Islands

3D2ZW Fiji Islands

2019-10-11 12:26:07
Jan, OK2ZAW will be active from different Fiji Islands as 3D2ZW and 3D2ZW/P.
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NCDXF News 14 June 2024 - 3D2Z

NCDXF News 14 June 2024 - 3D2Z

2024-06-14 11:38:22
14 June 2024 NCDXF Press Release NCDXF is pleased to announce its financial support for the 3D2Z November-December 2024 DXpedition to Rotuma. This DXpedition is lead by Gregg, W6IZT and Hal, W8HC and features two important NCDXF interests, youth in DXpeditions and the RIB, Rib in a Box concept. The NCDXF board has funded the