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5V7P Togo News 26 April 2017

5V7P Togo News 26 April 2017

2017-04-26 21:03:59
Last night on top band and 80 m was disaster we had local static noise made us impossible to copy stations.
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5V7P News 24 April 2017 Online Log

5V7P News 24 April 2017 Online Log

2017-04-24 16:25:20
Last night they concentrate on the activity on Low Bands (below 20m). They planning to improve their TX antenna on 160m and add another radial.
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5V7P Togo News 22 April 2017

5V7P Togo News 22 April 2017

2017-04-22 11:58:47
News from 5V7P Team 22 April 2017. Spider Beam installed. They still need to build 160m antenna.
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5V7P News 21 April 2017

5V7P News 21 April 2017

2017-04-22 09:14:51
David, OK6DJ and Petr, OK1FCJ are in Togo now and will start activity this evening 21 April 2017 as 5V7P.
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5V7P Togo

5V7P Togo

2017-04-03 21:58:48
David OK6DJ inform, that OK1FCJ and OK6DJ will be active from Togo 21 - 28 April 2017 as 5V7P.
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5V7DB 5V7PS 5V7ST Togo

5V7DB 5V7PS 5V7ST Togo

2017-05-26 09:21:49
Czech DXpedition team organizes another expedition, this time to TOGO. Preliminary dates are end of September, approximately for 10 days.
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5V7PRF Togo

5V7PRF Togo

2015-11-13 22:27:16
Franco, I1FQH will be active from Togo 22 - 31 July 2009 as 5V7PRF.
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5V7PM Togo

5V7PM Togo

2015-11-11 13:36:02
Werner, DL9MBI will be active from Togo till 30 May 2009 as 5V7PM.
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