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Search results for tag 9x5ru

9X5RU Rwanda

9X5RU Rwanda

2023-03-28 17:57:31
9X5RU DX Pedition Team start their activity from Rwanda.
  • Views18300
  • Comments11

Results from forum

Cass Award Winners 2023

Cass Award Winners 2023

2024-04-09 15:41:09
The Cass Awards are given annually to DXpeditions making the most unique QSOs in a calendar year and are announced in March. There are two categories, single operator and unlimited. "Cass" was WA6AUD (now SK), Hugh Cassidy, aka Professor Cass, who was the editor, printer and mailman for the West Coast DX Bulletin,
9X5RU - Ruanda

9X5RU - Ruanda

2023-03-08 18:41:05
El equipo 9X5RU estar? activo desde Ruanda, del 22 de marzo al 7 de abril de 2023. Equipo: R7AL, RW9JZ, RW8A, R9LR, R5EC, R5AF, RT9L, UA3QLC. Operar?n en 160 - 10m, CW, SSB, modos Digital y QO-100 Sat?lite. QSL v?a R7AL, ClubLog OQRS, LOTW. More information on: 9X5RU Rwanda
started a topic 9X5RU - Ruanda