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EY8MM Tajikistan 160m

EY8MM Tajikistan 160m

2015-12-14 16:21:18
From 21 of january till 1st of february 2009 US and North American radioamateurs getting great opportunity to make a contact with Zone 17 and EY on 160m band
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CQ WW DX 2008

CQ WW DX 2008

2017-11-25 17:54:43
Here we go, as promised, a brief review of the CQ WW DX 2008 results. Of course, not all of the results and categories are here but only a few.
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EY8MM Tajikistan CQ WW DX 2008 CW Story

EY8MM Tajikistan CQ WW DX 2008 CW Story

2015-12-14 16:21:58
This year of 2008 was very hard, I was very busy at my work. I failed to put into practice part of my plans of improving the station and installing new antennas. So there were no any serious projects for SSB contest. Entering SSB on LF bands from my QTH seems to be prospectless. I mostly wanted to work missing US states to complete 5BWAS.
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EY8MM Tajikistan

EY8MM Tajikistan

2015-11-29 18:50:11
Nodir, EY8MM will be active in CQ WW DX CW Contest 28 - 29 November 2009 in SOSB 160m category.
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AP2ARS Pakistan

AP2ARS Pakistan

2017-05-15 19:14:13
Nodir, EY8MM was active from Pakistan 14 - 15 November 2010 as AP2ARS.
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EY8MM Tajikistan 60 4 m

EY8MM Tajikistan 60 4 m

2016-01-31 17:58:28
Nodir, EY8MM inform that he receive license to operate on 60 and 4m.
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