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CU8W Flores Island

CU8W Flores Island

2015-11-03 22:48:49
CU8AS, HB9CQL and HB9CRV/CT3FN will be active as CU8W from Albarnaz Lighthouse on Flores Island (EU-089) on 19-23 January.
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6W/DL2RMC Senegal

6W/DL2RMC Senegal

2019-10-12 00:58:24
Tom, DL2RMC is going to spend his holidays in Senegal from January 16 - 29.
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CQ WW DX 2008

CQ WW DX 2008

2017-11-25 17:54:43
Here we go, as promised, a brief review of the CQ WW DX 2008 results. Of course, not all of the results and categories are here but only a few.
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E71A Bosnia Hercogovina

E71A Bosnia Hercogovina

2015-11-05 11:21:25
Emil, E71A will be active in CQ WW 160m Contest 23 - 25 january 2009 in SO category.
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EY8MM Tajikistan CQ WW DX 2008 CW Story

EY8MM Tajikistan CQ WW DX 2008 CW Story

2015-12-14 16:21:58
This year of 2008 was very hard, I was very busy at my work. I failed to put into practice part of my plans of improving the station and installing new antennas. So there were no any serious projects for SSB contest. Entering SSB on LF bands from my QTH seems to be prospectless. I mostly wanted to work missing US states to complete 5BWAS.
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P40A Aruba CQ WW 160 SSB 2009

P40A Aruba CQ WW 160 SSB 2009

2015-11-06 21:02:33
John,KK9A will be active in CQ WW 160m SSB Contest 27 february-1 march 2009 from his contest station in Aruba as P40A.
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CQ WW 160M 2009 CW

CQ WW 160M 2009 CW

2015-12-14 16:24:55
CQ WW 160m CW was a very promising event this year as we stuck an the bottom of the solar cycle so the low bands were good and the DX-activity in the contest was very high.
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EY8MM Tajikistan

EY8MM Tajikistan

2015-11-29 18:50:11
Nodir, EY8MM will be active in CQ WW DX CW Contest 28 - 29 November 2009 in SOSB 160m category.
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EY8/9V1BH EY8/RV0AR Tajikistan

EY8/9V1BH EY8/RV0AR Tajikistan

2016-05-16 13:48:06
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EY8ZF Tajikistan

EY8ZF Tajikistan

2015-12-07 12:34:35
EY8BI, EY8MM, K4ZW and RV0AR will be active from Tajikistan in CQ WW 160M SSB Contest 26 - 28 February 2010 as EY8ZF.
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EY8/K4ZW Tajikistan

EY8/K4ZW Tajikistan

2021-09-29 15:25:15
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EY8/UA4LCQ Tajikistan

EY8/UA4LCQ Tajikistan

2010-10-25 15:57:28
UA4LCQ will be active from Tajikistan in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 30-31 October 2010 as EY8/UA4LCQ
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EY8CC Tajikistan

EY8CC Tajikistan

2010-10-25 16:38:12
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EY8DD Tajikistan

EY8DD Tajikistan

2010-10-25 17:35:56
EY8DD will be active from Tajikistan in CQ WW DX SSB Contest 30-31 October 2010
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AP2ARS Pakistan

AP2ARS Pakistan

2017-05-15 19:14:13
Nodir, EY8MM was active from Pakistan 14 - 15 November 2010 as AP2ARS.
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Video ED9NA WW 160M SSB 2011

Video ED9NA WW 160M SSB 2011

2015-11-06 11:49:43
Video of Union Radioaficionados of Ceuta ED9NA operation in CQ WW 160m SSB Contest 25-27 February 2011
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EY0A Tajikistan

EY0A Tajikistan

2019-06-03 23:29:31
UA4LCQ will be active from Tajikistan in CQ WW DX RTTY Contest 24-25 September 2011 as EY0A.
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EY3M Tajikistan

EY3M Tajikistan

2016-07-20 23:55:22
K6AW will be active from Tajikistan in CQ WW DX CW Contest 26 - 27 November 2011 as EY3M.
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EY8JA Tajikistan

EY8JA Tajikistan

2023-05-03 06:58:49
JE1CAQ is currently active from Tajikistan as EY8JA.
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EY8MM Tajikistan 60 4 m

EY8MM Tajikistan 60 4 m

2016-01-31 17:58:28
Nodir, EY8MM inform that he receive license to operate on 60 and 4m.
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EY8MM Topband dinner Dayton

EY8MM Topband dinner Dayton

2017-04-18 21:10:36
I am very proud to announce that Nodir, EY8MM will be the keynote speaker for the 28th Annual Topband dinner in Dayton on Friday May 19, 2017 at the Crowne Plaza.
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