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Tromelin Island 2014 News June 2013

Tromelin Island 2014 News June 2013

2015-12-27 12:58:24
After many successful dxpetitions in the past, F6KOP'team and F6KDF (Lyon DX Gang) are joining together in an effort to put Tromelin back on the air in 2014.
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Tromelin Island 2014 News December 2013

Tromelin Island 2014 News December 2013

2016-07-03 02:33:36
Most of the DXers consider entities as check boxes to tick once the country is worked and confirmed. That’s the game! However, we hope to bring you a lot more than just a simple check mark as you discover our next destination.

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FT4TA Tromelin Island

FT4TA Tromelin Island

2019-07-28 23:34:04
F5UFX, FM5CD, F5CWU,F4AJQ, F5ROP, F4BKV will be active from Tromelin Island as FT4TA between October 30 to November 10, 2014.
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FT4TA Tromelin 2014 Article

FT4TA Tromelin 2014 Article

2019-07-28 23:35:28
"This project actually started in February 2013, under the scorching heat of Uganda. I was in Entebbe involved with the 5X8C DXpedition alongside the other F6KOP operators. A long series of unanswered calls got suddenly interrupted by the ringing of my phone.
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