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VU4AX Andaman Islands

VU4AX Team will be active from Andaman Islands, IOTA AS - 001, 10 - 21 March 2025.
Recent DX Spots VU4AX
VU4AX Log search They will operate on HF Bands.
VU4X DX Pedition pilots:
ON9CFG - Europe
W2IRT - North America
E21EIC - Asia.

VU4AX Andaman Islands News 3 February 2025

DX-Adventure is thrilled to announce our upcoming VU4AX DX-pedition to the beautiful South Andaman Islands (IOTA AS-001).

From March 10th to March 20th, 2025, an experienced team of 12 operators will be active from South Andaman, operating 6 stations around the clock on bands from 10m to 160m (incl. WARC + 60m), using CW, SSB, and DIGI.

Months of careful planning and preparation have brought together an international team of experienced DX-peditioners, including:

ON4AMX, Marc; ON4HIL, Patrick; ON5UR, Max; ON5RA, Pascal; ON5TN, Karel; ON6CC, Marc; ON7FT, Jonas; ON7USB, Geert; ON7RU, Franky; ON8AZ, Francis; PA3EWP, Ronald; and PA9M, Marcel.

Six stations mean a lot of material and it is a big challenge to transport it all to VU4. With 1.150kg of equipment meticulously prepared, we will try to offer the best experience possible for you, covering 24/7 operations to maximize the change on having a QSO with us. VU4 ranks as #28 for the USA and #53 worldwide, making it a rare and exciting challenge

Needless to say, your support is essential to make this DX-pedition a success. We deeply appreciate our sponsors and suppliers for their ongoing support and welcome further contributions to help us achieve a memorable DX-pedition.

We understand the importance of providing opportunities for USA operators and will closely monitor propagation conditions to maximize the chances of QSOs with stations across the United States. While we cannot make any promises, we assure you that we will do our best to optimize operations and increase the chances of QSOs with USA operators.

To ensure maximum efficiency during this DXpedition, the team is supported by three experienced Pilot Stations: W2IRT Peter J. Dougherty - E21EIC Champ - ON9CFG Björn. If you can hear VU4AX signals while they are operating in another region, through long path, or under unusual conditions, please notify your regional pilot. Your input will help them gather and analyse vital information which will then be relayed to the team.

For contact details of the Pilot Stations, please visit the DX-Adventure website

73, and we look forward to making a QSO with you from VU4 South Andaman!

The DX-Adventure Team

Andaman Islands

The Andaman Islands are an archipelago that lies in the Indian Ocean between Myanmar and India. The islands have a population of only just over 300,000, of which 500 are indigenous. The islands' largest city is Port Blair. One of the main attractions is nature, the beauty of which can be appreciated even by those who are indifferent to it.

VU4AX Andaman IslandsAndaman Islands. Author - Dusan Simek.

Rum for locals only

The Andaman Islands are famous for their rum, which every tourist should try. However, it is noted that it is prohibited to take it out of the country, as well as other local drinks. Not only alcohol, but also local soft drinks are not allowed. Everything that is forbidden to take out, there is a special marking on it. That is why it is worth paying attention to the labels of drinks when visiting the Andaman Islands. It is recommended to choose local achievements of the alcohol industry because of their uniqueness. There is also local homemade alcohol, which is made by the inhabitants themselves.

VU4AX Andaman Islands DX Pedition BannerVU4AX. Andaman Islands. DX Pedition.

A penal colony more than 150 years old

In 1790, an English penal colony for criminals was opened on an island, where dangerous lawbreakers, murderers and thieves were sent. It existed until 1947, which allowed it to become one of the most famous penal institutions in England. Only after 1947 it was decided to close the institution due to the fact that the islands became free of the British. It made no sense for the locals to keep a penitentiary of another country on the territory.

VU4AX Andaman Islands DX NewsAndaman Islands. Author - Saurabh Sharda.

Sherlock's island trail

Fans of Arthur Conan Doyle's books will remember that one of his novels was transferred exactly to the Andaman Islands. “The Sign of Four” described the adventures of the main character who visited there. It is thanks to this that the islands received their own trace in literature. The description of the locals is completely the same as the one that fits them even now. They are a mixture of the negroid race and Indians, who densely populate the island towns. They are of medium height and outwardly adopt more of the features of the Indians, while remaining with a darker complexion.

Houses with vines and banyan trees

The facades of local buildings are densely braided with vines and banyan trees, which is a distinctive local feature and makes even urban landscapes as close to nature as possible. The houses braided with vines have a beautiful appearance and are characterized by their interesting shapes, which change under the influence of plants. It looks very unusual.

Houses with banyan trees also look interesting. This tree has the widest crown area in the world. It can reach several kilometers. This shape and size is provided due to the fact that the tree from the crown descends a liana, which takes root in the ground and thus continues the growth of the tree. So under one plant can be many small buildings, but more often the banyan is taken beyond them, because the dense crown can take on itself most of the sunlight.

The capital's airstrip could accommodate a Boeing 777

It is located in Port Blair, on one of the largest islands in the archipelago. It is there that there is an airport, which is the most important hub of civil and even military aviation. The local authorities have spared no expense in arranging the airport, so that the guests of the islands can be sure of their safety and that they will be able to get here with the help of convenient transportation. The main pride of the airport is the 3290 meter runway, which can accommodate Boeing 777. This Boeing is one of the largest airplanes in existence today. This is another proof that the local authorities have taken care of both their own military security and the needs of tourists.

Most of the local islands are uninhabited

The archipelago comprises 204 islands. With such a large number, it is not surprising that some of them might be uninhabited. In fact, uninhabited islands are the majority there. Only 30 islands have a population, while 174 remain uninhabited. Locals on the inhabited islands continue to live in the jungle with little benefit of civilization. The settlers live in well-furnished towns and make a living, mostly by fishing.

VU4AX Andaman Islands Tourist attractions spotAndaman Islands. Author - Santanu Sen.

The only active volcano in all of South Asia

One of the islands has the only active volcano in the territory. It is located 135 kilometers northeast of the capital on Barren Island. Its activity makes it difficult for locals to live in the area, so the island on which it is located is uninhabited. Almost a quarter of its area is occupied by a volcano. The nature here is unique and beautiful, just like everywhere else in the Andaman Islands.

Coconut crabs or palm thieves

This species of crab is not only the largest in the world, but also the most beautiful. This species got such a strange name for the fact that it likes to feed on coconut pulp. The weight of the crab reaches 4 kg, and the length of the body - 40 cm. Interesting is also the way it moves. Since the crab feeds on coconut flesh, it needs to get it from coconut trees. To do this, he manages to climb up the coconut palm with the help of his claws. A person who catches it doing this can see its blue abdomen and the same bright color claws.

Unique nature found nowhere else in the world

98% of the plants found on these islands are endemic. This means that these plants are only found in this place and are not found anywhere else in the world. 50% of the butterfly species are also found nowhere else. In fact, the islands have their own ecosystem, which has not been subjected to special changes by man and developed separately from the mainland nature. This opens up unique opportunities for tourists to learn new things.

Coral reefs that were unknown to scientists

Coral reefs are fairly well-studied, but there are some that have been discovered by scientists for the first time. In 2011, more than 110 new species of coral were discovered near the islands, and 197 species of previously known corals were found. This is why diving enthusiasts can get the opportunity to explore coral species that have not been seen anywhere else. Quality diving is also facilitated by the beautiful and clear local waters, which have developed their own ecosystem.

The only place in the world where the largest turtles are found

In some Andaman islands, leatherback turtles lay eggs every year. They are the only large members of the turtle world of their kind. They can reach up to 2.9 meters in length and weigh over 600 kg. This type of turtle is currently threatened with total extinction, and the islands are the only place in the world where these reptiles can still be found. When they go to the beach to breed, access to the beach by tourists and locals is strictly prohibited, which should be taken into account by all travelers. The locals are trying to restore the turtle population in this way.

VU4AX. Where are Andaman Islands located. Map.

VU4AX Andaman Islands. Sunrise 03-24-2025 at 23:50 GMT sunset at 12:01 GMT
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Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: 4L5A
  • 2025-03-12 00:43:31
Rating: 5 of 5
  • Callsign: VU4AX
  • 2025-03-09 15:22:01
VU4AX News The team met at Kortrijk for the start of the VU4AX DX-pedition. We traveled by bus towards CDG Paris. Everything went smoothly until check-in. Everyone's documents were carefully checked. Then a problem surfaced with Marc ON4AMX's visa. Marc was not allowed to check in. In the meantime, the team did everything possible to check in all 47 suitcases. But even that went totally wrong, despite everything being very neatly organised. It went totally wrong and the system went down. The long line of waiting people only got longer. Suddenly we were presented with a new bill for the 7 pieces of oversize luggage. When we pointed out that everything was already paid for, we were told “either you pay or everything stays here”. If we wanted to continue we had no choice but to pay again for the luggage already paid for. Meanwhile, a new visa was being applied for Marc ON4AMX. Unfortunately, we could not wait any longer and had to move on if we wanted to catch our flight. So Marc is currently still in Paris and hopes to get his documents in order soon and fly towards New Delhi on a new flight. This morning around 8:15 a.m. we arrived in New Delhi. All the luggage was with us on the plane, this was a great relief. Then another very big challenge awaited us as our luggage had to be cleared through customs. With the necessary interventions of the people of Air India, we got our luggage in order and the necessary stamps on our documents. Meanwhile, we were waiting for our next flight to Port-Blair Andaman Islands.