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DX Ham Radio Amateur Radio Articles Page 27

CQ WW 160M 2009 CW

CQ WW 160M 2009 CW

2015-12-14 16:24:55
CQ WW 160m CW was a very promising event this year as we stuck an the bottom of the solar cycle so the low bands were good and the DX-activity in the contest was very high.
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2016-07-03 02:40:35
A full 48 hours all-band contest effort with no sleep was not appealing to me, so I chose a strategy to enter the 20 Meter Single Operator Single Band category.
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2019-09-28 08:40:36
What an incredible experience from one of the world’s premier stations and locations! Great contest with a roller-coaster ride of exhilarating moments and more than few “others” in the downside column.
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EY8MM Tajikistan CQ WW DX 2008 CW Story

EY8MM Tajikistan CQ WW DX 2008 CW Story

2015-12-14 16:21:58
This year of 2008 was very hard, I was very busy at my work. I failed to put into practice part of my plans of improving the station and installing new antennas. So there were no any serious projects for SSB contest. Entering SSB on LF bands from my QTH seems to be prospectless. I mostly wanted to work missing US states to complete 5BWAS.
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How fair is the WRTC 2010 selection criteria?

How fair is the WRTC 2010 selection criteria?

2018-07-02 10:26:55
Many of us are in the process of preparation for this contest, but some contesters have already lost their chances for participation. For example, Radio-Sport website reports some losers from Russia, Ukraine and some other countries.
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CQ WW DX 2008

CQ WW DX 2008

2015-12-14 16:20:55
This article has been written earlier, but I decided to publish it after the january 15 th, the CQWW DX CW 2008 log submission deadline. It has been discussed for a very long time that the logs should be submitted in a short term period after the contest, but nothing has been done yet.
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D4B D4C NATO Exercise

D4B D4C NATO Exercise

2019-10-11 21:25:07
I think that everyone who had ever visited the D4B or D4C would have noticed that the training is having place in immediate proximity to D4B/D4C position.
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CQ WW SSB 2008 Private view

CQ WW SSB 2008 Private view

2017-11-25 17:53:36
CQ WW DX SSB 2008 as all the other contests was full of intrigues. I would like to take up the points which are the most interesting to me.
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Fairytale about Grandpa

Fairytale about Grandpa

2017-11-25 19:49:41
A fairytale is a lie (not this one), but has a lesson for the youngsters!
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CN2R WPX Record

CN2R WPX Record

2015-12-14 16:16:58
As a good teaching aid I used the recording of K9PG operating ZF2MM in ARRL SSB. Very much usefull listening. Of course I do not appeal to copy somebody's style exactly.
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