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International CW Operators Hamfest 2018

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    The plan is following

    It is necessary to mark that those elements and details being planned may be modified, changed and elaborated in the course of preparation and carrying on of the HAMfest on the go, what will be reported, indeed.

    That is: what we have done is a kind of rough sketch of HAMfest events architecture, and on the basis of parameters and conditions available at a moment we shall collectively determine key elements. And let us watch with interest in the course of a play, with what details exactly each action will please us, and what common picture of the HAMfest shall we obtain.

    So, same as last year no rock-solid structure of the HAMfest exists, and all we have is some common direction of the movement.

    So everyone who will participate this holiday of a life – please offer and discuss without hesitations everything what in your opinion could complete, improve and correct the event. How will it all look exactly – we shall see. Your proposals and various external factors which will arise on the go will at last form final program of the HAMfest.
    For example, it could appear that the HAMfest has canoe at hand. What shall we do with it and to where shall we sail? Any ideas? Well, we shall operate /mm, it’s clear, but what else?

    Michael Cannoly
    Artist Michael Cannoly. Photo by: Free HD wallpapers.
    73 Al 4L5A



      Or another case: it turned so that near Radiograd, also in “Live Villages” interesting neighbors have settled: IT village with a modest name of Silicon Valley, and the fellows there would also like to participate. But in which way exactly? Maybe as their name suggests, they can take care of computer elements at the HAMfest? Computers, Internet, color laser printer for making prints on the awards being issued, printouts of competition results tables, etc. Overall, they can take all computer needs under their wings. Anyway, they could participate in any non-CW actions.
      Life is full of enigmas and that makes it interesting!
      But we need a spear, a real one. Does anybody has one? If not, can someone who can make one, just come forward. Vlad UA9FAR, Aleksey RA3AKF! Will you craft a spear after you are done with crayfishes? It will be needed for the shooting-range competitions.
      If anyone has ideas for interesting and unusual competitions – contact Lilia EW7L and/or bring up the ideas at the forum. There is more to the festival than QRQ-discussions: the HAMfest is for everyone fascinated with CW and Short Waves in whole. Besides QRQ masters, everyone should be enjoying it to the fullest.

      So most events are being organized to insure they are enjoyed by all: CW operators, short wave fans, their wives, kids and for those simply mesmerized with the idea.

      Radiograd Ham Fest 2017 Song

      HAMfest 2017. Songs near campfire. Photo by Lilia EW7L.
      73 Al 4L5A



        There will be:
        CW (Morse Code) competitions,
        radio operation,
        awarding of winners,
        Telebridge with World HST Championship participants,
        automobile 100-meters race,
        husky dogs,
        DX targets shooting,
        Funny radio contest and – indeed –
        HAMfest goldfishing championship,
        prize distribution,
        collective painting,
        Singing songs,
        Hearty Talks and
        our radio, sun, air and water.

        And – freedom, radio, brotherhood!!!

        What? Need more details? For those who still can’t break away from the endless daily rat race to come to Radiograd and award themselves with a free spirit’s holiday? They can envy the rest, staring at the monitors, for all we care

        But we’ll get you all the details.

        Your own participation is described below:
        73 Al 4L5A




          Participation in any activities described below is simply voluntary – there is nothing compulsory that one cannot skip. Chose anything you like:
          The main idea of the HAMfest, as it was before, – to meet one another. That is face-to-face communication which so many of us are lacking in the days of Internet “likes”, etc.
          Any other events taking place at the HAMfest are secondary and are very much voluntary. Let everyone get busy with what their hearts desire. The task of Club’s headquarters and HAMfest organizers is to provide us with a selection if activities for us to chose from. But the choice is always yours.
          Someone may come to simply sing with guitar, sitting by the campfire for three days. It would be great to see UA4CIF, UA3AGW, UA9FAR, RW4C, and also RZ3CC. Gena, how is your guitar? – It must be tired just handing on the wall by now.
          It would be great to give someone a chance to simply forget about business and life’s chores, to enjoy a good sound sleep, only crawling out of the tent for some food, beer and talk. And you will have a choice what to get busy with:
          73 Al 4L5A



            CW - forever

            Valery, UA3AO HAMfest 2017

            Valery, UA3AO at HAMfest in 2017. Photo by Oleg, RD1A.

            Telegraphy part of the program is very vast and covers every Morse Code (CW) expectation:

            Demonstrational performance of Valery, UA3AO – operation “classic” keys: Morse key, two-way “jig-saw” key, Vibroplex, electronic key;
            “Classic” operation competitions;
            QRQ-test (Hi-speed test) using electronic keys;
            Mini-test on “walkie-talkies” 144 MHz;
            Callsigns copying with RufzXP software;
            Conducting contest QSOs (contacts) in CQ mode, using Morse Runner software;
            Fighting DX-pedition pile-ups with Pile-Up Runner software; ???
            Copying radiograms by hand;
            Radiograms sending with a straight key;
            Radiograms sending with an electronic key.

            Well, let go some QRQ

            Well, lets go some QRQ? Artist - Platon Andreev. Key from collection of Valery, UA3AO.

            As some will take their keys with them it might be fun to organize “key paddle parade” placing all the keys in a row with QSL cards of their owners. We should save all this beauty for posterity. Oleg, RD1A, will you take on the task of becoming a photo historiographer of the HAMfest? Let everybody enjoy looking at these very private treasures.
            73 Al 4L5A



              Radio operation, awards and QSLs

              Full Moon Summer

              Full Moon Summer. Tom Perkisnon.

              Callsign of the HAMfest and radio operation

              New rules, details of which may be known to Constantin RT3A and to Soyuz Radiolyubiteley Rossii, require that special event callsign application must be submitted three months before the event

              Alas, decision about doing the HAMfest this year was made about 1,5 months prior. There is some hope that SRR will show us the way out of the tight spot and we would be lucky to obtain the familiar call of R73QRQ. It would mean making an exception from the rules, for which all QRQ fans will be very grateful.

              R73QRQ UA3AO 2017

              R73QRQ HAMfest 2017 Radio station is on air. Operator UA3AO. Photo by Oleg, RD1A.

              But – everything is happening for the best, and any whatever callsign we get will be good.

              So, if everything works out, HAMfest station will use R73QRQ callsign as last year, if not - callsign RO3A will be used.

              One way or another the callsign will be disclosed closer to the beginning of the HAMfest.
              73 Al 4L5A



                HAMfest Awards

                HAMfest 2017, Dima UA3AGW

                HAMfest 2017. Dima, UA3AGW, with participant award.

                This year HAMster awards will be handed over to all participants of the HAMfest – “participant award and also awards for achievements in competitions, contests and other events, together with prizes – but below about them.


                Award program "Shared drinks with ...

                There is no other award program in short waves which one can start to work for only after reaching definite age, not earlier.

                Shared drinks 10 USSR Call Areas R2SA
                Award “Shared drinks with 10 USSR Call Areas" fulfilled by chief referee of the HAMfest Valery R2SA on August 25, 2017

                For not to draw manually “table of achievements” as it was last year, there is a proposal for office keeper: before handing over the awards to participants run them through laser printer for printing table grid on reverse side. At estimation there will be enough place not only for “Shared drinks with 10 USSR Call Areas”, but also for “Shared drinks with 15 USSR Republics” and for beginning of “Shared drinks with 100 USSR Oblasts” awards.

                But – dibs – one has to take snack after every record. Thanks God we will have some.
                73 Al 4L5A

