SARTG will celebrate the 40th SARTG WW - RTTY contest 21 - 22 august 2010 by a DXpedition to Market Reef as OJ0SARTG.
OJ0SARTG will be active as a Multi/Single effort during the contest. Operators include OH2BP, OH9GIT, SM4RGD, SM5FUG and SM7BHM. The day before and after the contest and maybe in the rest periods there will be some CW and SSB activity with OJ0/homecall.
QSL for OJ0SARTG via SM7BHM, buro or direct (US$2, Euro2 or 1 IRC).
QSL to OJ0/homecall via the home call of the operator.
73 de Ewe SM7BHM