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SV2RSG/A Mount Athos

Monk Iakovos, SV2RSG/A will be active from Mount Athos, 1 - 7 December 2021.
He will focus on 160m operation and will try first time FT8.
Recent DX Spots SV2RSG/A
He will operate on another bands also.
He is from Koutloumousiou Holy Monastery.
QSL via SV1RP direct, ClubLog OQRS.
George Vlachopoulos, Panselinou 26, 11141, Athens, Greece.

SV2RSG/A Mount Athos News 5 December 2021

The "attack" by the pirate at 160 m / FT8 was made from Athens and lasted about half an hour. We understood this illigal activity at the same time. We apologize to all the radio amateurs because we could not protect them. Please be informed about the validation of your CONTACT with the monk Iakovos, from the clublog or from the QSL MANAGER of SV2RSG / A George SV1RP

SV2RSG/A Mount Athos News 20 September 2021 from SV1RP

Dear Dxnews I am the QSL mgr of SV2RSG/A. I read the announcement you have uploaded on your page and I want to ask you the following: Before posting anything about SV2RSG/A in the future, send me an email to confirm it. Because only from me you will have accurate and confirmed information. From nowhere else. Your site is quite valid and should only post cross-referenced information and not rumors. I do this to protect you and your audience. I hope you appreciate it.
PS. Also I do not confirm the information that at the end of the month I will go to Mt. Athos to help Monk Iakovos put antennas, because already antennas on 30 and 15m are available.
Maybe a little later.
Thank you, George, SV1RP.

SV2RSG/A Mount Athos News 20 September 2021

SV1RP with team going to install 30 and 15m antennas for Monk Iakovos.
Activity planned end of this month.

SV2RSG/A Mount Athos News 22 July 2021

Monk Iakovos will be active till end of this week.
He will operate on 40, 30 and 20m, CW, SSB.

SV2RSG/A Mount Athos News 9 June 2021

The QTH of SV2RSG/A experienced a strong storm and was flooded.
New QSL manager SV1RP, George, says everything was lost, including QSL cards and the transceiver. There is now no working rig there. QSL manager George does have some blank cards he had previously been sent, so if you are waiting for your card from Monk Iakovos you will need to request it again.

SV2RSG/A Mount Athos News 3 June 2021

Due to many and important monastic obligations but also due to daily forced changes in his schedule due to covid-19, monk Iakovos (SV2RSG/A) assigns me the QSL. Please those radio amateurs who have confirmed contact with SV2RSG/A (Mount Athos) but also those who will be able to contact him in the near future, to send their QSL cards to SV1RP via QRZ. For any other information, please refer to the SV2RSG/A page in the QRZ. Thank you in advance for your good cooperation and patience and be ready to contact the monk Iakovos in the future.
73 George, SV1RP.

Mount Athos SV2RSG QSL
Mount Athos. SV2RSG QSL.

Mount Athos SV2RSG QSL Card
Mount Athos. SV2RSG QSL Card.

Mount Athos SV2RSG
Monk Iakovos, Mount Athos. SV2RSG.

Mount Athos SV2RSG DX News
Koutloumousiou Holy Monastery, Mount Athos.

SV2RSG. Where is Mount Athos located. Map.

SV2RSG/A Mount Athos. Sunrise 03-18-2025 at 04:27 GMT sunset at 16:34 GMT
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