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T77C San Marino

During any discussion about DX where San Marino is mentioned, the callsign T77C are bound to come up.

San Marino T77C

Apart from very limited other local activity and some DXpeditions, Antonio Ceccoli (Tony), has been the face of DX from San Marino for over 4 decades. Initially licenced as M1C from 1972 to 1983, Tony ended up using T77C from 1983 up to now, adding to a total of 45 years on the air from San Marino.

San Marino T77C Radio Shack Tony tuning amplifier

Tony is a well known SSB and CW operator and the result from his activity includes Top of the Honour Roll on SSB in the ARRL DXCC programme and needing only one entity to join that achievement on CW. With a DXCC Challenge total of 2885 it comes as no suprpirise that Tony qualified for 10 Band DXCC. A real solid achievement keeping in mind all the constraints of living in such a small entity. His 5 band WAS also comes as no surprise.

Tony has also been active in a handful of Multi-op CQWW SSB and CW entries over the years. His T77C callsign has however been the source of many a new multiplier over the years he has been active. Just when you think there is nothing new coming out of Europe for the weekend, T77C calls in with a solid signal!

San Marino T77C QRV CW

Although his location in San Marino is not optimum for 6m operation, Tony has made good use of the rarity of his callsign and the 130 entities on 6m is testimony to the hard work he has done there as well. Many 6M DXCC's issued shows Tony's T77C call being listed as one of the 100 initial qualifiers.

Tony runs a very efficient OQRS QSL'ing system and confirming T7 after a QSO with Tony has never been easier.

A recent change in station location limits Tony from 40m - 6m with 100W mostly CW but he has plans to be active on 80m and 160m soon.

Tony have more than 500000 (half million) QSOs.
DXCC HR#1 SSB/Mixed and HR CW only country he missed is P5.

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