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TX5P Clipperton Island Passion 2015

Start 18 April 2015
Alain, F6BFH is currently active from Clipperton Island as TX5P.
He will operate on 30 - 10m CW, SSB, RTTY.
QSL via F6BFH direct, buro, LOTW, OQRS.
Information from Alain and Maurice F5NQL.

Last minute information

After having bee staying in Tahiti (FO/F6BFH), then in the Marquesas

(FO/F6BFH/P), Alain and his XYL are now on Clipperton Island
as members of the Scientific expedition « PASSION 2015 ».

They have in charge the logistic assistance, the Life camp organizatiuon and helping the scientific members of Passion 2015 ans helping the Professianal communications.

Alain is personnaly studiyng the impacts of the Mexican occupation since the beginning of the XXth century.

Landing and unlanding the island are very difficult because of the forecast conditions, so the length of the stay is not known yet.

At his spére time Alain use the special callsign TX5P, QSL via F6BFH :

LOTW, OQRS, Direct or Bureau . If you choose QSL via the bureau know
that your card is not needed. Mail only the information about the QSO at : ).


Alain has an Elecraft KX3, a PA, a FT897, a 30m dipole and another multi-dipole for 20 to 10 meters.

Modes : CW, SSB and may be some RTTY.

Frequencies :

CW : 7.010, 10.110, 14.045, 18.085, 21.045, 24.895, 28.045.

SSB : 14.270, 18.145, 21.270, 24.970, 28.470.

RTTY: 14.100, 18.100, 21.100, 24.910, 28.100.


Alain listens always 5kHz over his sending frequency ( split 5 to 10)

- Having no Internet connection for his amateur activity,
there will be no online log.

Please avoid to invade the clusters which messages as "Pse CW"
or "When on 17m ?" and so on.

When Alain answers with an incomplete callsign, please no call if you are not involved by!.
Alain logs only complete callsigns.

Know that « PASSION 2015 » is Scientific First. So be patient Alain has no timetable schedule for his Ham activity.

Note: For Danielle & Alain, it's a self-paid Paris/Paris operation.
Be lucky

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TX5P Clipperton Island Passion 2015. Sunrise 03-14-2025 at 13:23 GMT sunset at 01:28 GMT
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