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V55LA Namibia

V55LA Team will be active from Namibia 30 October - 11 November 2024.
Team - Members of the Amateur Radio DX Peditions Norway, LA7THA, LB5GI, LB1QI, LA3BO, LB8DC, LA8OM, OE7PGI, LA9KKA, LB1FI..
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Namibia is the epitome of African exoticism

Namibia is the true embodiment of the land of contrasts, where two opposite elements - the ocean and the desert - are side by side. The country could be called a real wild Africa, if it were not for its highly developed infrastructure. A lot of sights, mostly created by nature, attract tourists from all over the world from year to year.

Namibia will be to the taste of connoisseurs of African exoticism in its purest form and fans of the sunny climate. Among other things, holidays in this country are affordable from the financial point of view, a significant part of the cost is taken up only by a long flight.

V55LA NamibiaNamibia. Author - Thomas Hanel.

Historical Background

Namibia is a former German colony, but after the end of the First World War, the League of Nations handed over the administration of the country to South Africa. After the Second World War, Namibia fought for its independence for a long time, including military action, but the goal was achieved only in 1990. Not the least role in Namibia's gaining independence was played by the USSR, because of which the local population to this day treats the Russians with warmth.

Geographical position and nature of Namibia

The state of Namibia is located in the south-west of Africa. The country neighbours Zambia and Angola to the north, and South Africa and Botswana to the east. The western part of Namibia is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

The capital of Namibia is located in the city of Windhoek. Among the local attractions the most famous are picturesque national parks, the famous Skeleton Coast and the grandiose Namib Desert.

The nature of Namibia is quite diverse and includes almost all types of landscapes present on the African continent. In the centre of the country there are uplands covering most of the country's territory. The western part, adjacent to the ocean, is represented by the Namib Desert. In the south is the Orange River basin. To the east is the Kalahari Desert and to the east is the jungle.

V55LA Namibia DX NewsNamibia. Author - Norm Johnson.

State structure and traditions of the local population

The state system of Namibia is a republic headed by a president. There are two official languages in the country - Afrikaans and English. However, about 80 per cent of the local population speak languages belonging to the Bantu group: Ovambo, Herero, Lozi. Official Afrikaans is predominantly spoken in the southern part of the country.

Thanks to the rapid development of the tourist industry, communicating with locals in English is not a problem - locals speak it well, especially those who work in tourist areas.

More than 90% of Namibians profess Christianity - mainly Protestantism (Lutheranism) and Catholicism. A minority of the inhabitants to this day keep the ancient African traditions, adhering to the cult of ancestors, fetishism, animalism, etc.

V55LA Namibia Tourist attractions spotNamibia. Author - Thomas Pitrou.


The national currency of Namibia is the Namibian dollar, the international name of which is NAD. Upon arrival in the country you can exchange money in special exchange offices at the airport or in the branches of local banks, which are represented in large numbers throughout the country. When exchanging, take into account that it is difficult to exchange the remaining money back, so buy local money in small amounts.

Travellers cheques and credit cards are accepted in tourist areas. In addition, you can withdraw cash in local currency in the network of ATMs of First National Bank, but not more than 1 thousand Namibian dollars. As for cashing American dollars, it is carried out at bank branches by appointment.

Customs regulations

In Namibia there are no restrictions on import and export of foreign currency, but there is a ban on export of local currency if the amount exceeds 50 thousand NAD - this ban is unlikely to cause discomfort to anyone, because outside the country the Namibian dollar has no value.

Import of tobacco products and alcohol is restricted: no more than 250 g of tobacco and 1 litre of spirits. Persons under 18 years of age are strictly prohibited from importing cigarettes and alcohol.

Local transport

The country has an extremely underdeveloped transport infrastructure, which is represented only by a small fleet of taxis and bus routes. But the lack of public transport is balanced by the possibility to rent a car in any big city. All you need to rent a car is an international driving licence and payment of road tax. Both local companies providing transport for hire and international ones are available to commuters. The undoubted advantage of the local infrastructure is the roads, which are in excellent condition. Traffic in Namibia is left-handed.

Security level

The crime rate in Namibia is at a moderate level. Tourists are not advised to leave their belongings unattended, and valuables should be kept in special safes - this service is available in all hotels.

Namibia is not one of the countries with a high percentage of malaria, however, in the northern part of the country, infection with the disease occurs, therefore it is recommended to take a course of anti-malaria medication before travelling.

You should also be careful with local drinking water - prefer bottled water.

V55LA. Where is Namibia located. Map.

V55LA Namibia. Sunrise 03-17-2025 at 04:47 GMT sunset at 17:01 GMT
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  • Callsign: V55LA
  • 2024-08-23 18:14:13
V55LA Namibia News 21 August 2024 Dear All, Our team has been working tirelessly to prepare for this exciting adventure, and we’re pleased to share that the flight tickets are confirmed, our QTH in Namibia is secured, and some of us are updating our vaccinations to ensure a safe journey. We’re also proud to unveil our brand-new V55LA logo, beautifully designed by our longtime friend, Miguel EA5ZD. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to finalize our preparations. DXPEDITION DATES Departure: 30th October 2024 Return: 11th November 2024 During this period, the V55LA team will be active on all HF bands (CW, SSB, Digi), with a particular focus on the low bands. Our team consists of experienced operators skilled in "human modes", so you can expect to hear plenty of activity on both CW and SSB throughout the expedition where it is needed for most of you. Our goal is to make contact with as many operators as possible so Digi will be run too of course, and we’ll be doing our utmost to make this a memorable and enjoyable DXpedition for everyone. MEET THE TEAM Rune - LA7THA (Leader) Gjermund - LB5GI Erwann - LB1QI Svein - LA3BO Morten - LB8DC Chris - LA8OM Philipp - OE7PGI Svein Jarle - LA9KKA Torvald - LB1FI (Additional operators to be confirmed soon!) STAY CONNECTED Our dedicated V55LA webpage is live! We’ll be regularly updating it with new information as the DXpedition date approaches. QSL INFORMATION We are delighted to have Charles Wilmott (M0OXO) as our QSL Manager. QSL policy will be detailed soon. SUPPORT US If you’d like to support our efforts, donations are warmly welcomed! Please send contributions to our PayPal address: We can’t wait to embark on this journey and look forward to making contact with as many of you as possible! Warm Regards, The V55LA Team (2024)