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VK9NT Norfolk Island

VK9NT Team will be active from Norfolk Island, IOTA OC - 005, 15 - 28 March 2023.
Recent DX Spots VK9NT
VK9NT Log search They will operate on 160 - 10m CW, SSB, FT8.

Norfolk Island. Country information

Norfolk Island, is a small island in the Pacific Ocean.
Motto- Inasmuch.
Capital city- Kingston.
Official languages- english, norfuk.
Area- 34.6 sq km.
Currency- Australian dollar AUD.
Time- UTC +11.30
International phone code- +672.
Internet domain- .nf

VK9NT Norfolk Island 2022

VK9NT Norfolk Island. Information for Radio Amateurs

Amateur radio prefix- VK9.
WAC continent- Oceania.
DXCC country- Norfolk Island.
WAZ zone- 32.
ITU zone- 60.
QTH locator- RG40.
RSGB IOTA- IOTA OC-005 Norfolk Island.

VK9NT Norfolk Island News 12 March 2023

The VK9NT Team had our final round of readiness meetings (Zoom and phone) this last week and we’re comfortable all the gear is tested, inventories checked and readiness processes in place. We expect to arrive on Norfolk Island at about 0330UTC on Friday 17th March and (hopefully) have the FT8 station up by 0700UTC, closely followed by the CW and SSB stations. Please check our page which will be our primary channel to release news updates as they come to hand. We also have a Facebook page for more informal information sharing. In a first for our team, we’ve setup a Discord channel for people to alert us to 160 and 6m openings. Check our page for QSL info, news and updates… and we hope to get you in the log. 73, Chris VK3QB for VK9NT

VK9NT Norfolk Island News 16 January 2023

VK9NT Norfolk Island

Bootcamp 2023

Hello budding Dxpeditioner's

Have you ever wondered what DX-peditioning is all about?

Would you like to dip your toe in the water without a full-on commitment?

Would you like to join a DX-pedition but are unsure of how to get on the invitation list?

Do you want to experience being on the business end of the pileup and build DXing skills?

A DX-pedition is a great way to improve your operating skills as well.

Well, the Norfolk Island DX-pedition Bootcamp might be for you.

Experienced DX-peditioners will be on Norfolk Island for 12-14 days in the second half of March 2023 (est 15-28 March – NOTE: dates subject to fine tuning) . The format of the event will be hands-on, with some presentations and a Bootcamp dinner (or two). Most importantly, you’ll get hands-on experience in a safe, friendly environment.

VK9NT Norfolk Island News 26 April 2022

VK9NT Norfolk Island (IOTA OC-005)
Full and Final log from the VK9NT Team on Norfolk Island has now been posted on M0OXO OQRS. Congratulations to Luke, Chris and Alan for an outstanding job!
You can find the log available to search and to request your QSL Cards on the link below. Please report any Missing or Busted Calls using the Not In Log button on OQRS. This is the fastest way to get your enquiry resolved. Please do NOT report them via Social Media or Email, the enquiries will simply be missed.

VK9NT Norfolk Island News 16 April 2022


Hello from a wet and soggy Norfolk Island where we’ve had about 70mm of rain in our first two days…

As some may have heard (or not…) our signals have been subdued since we arrived on 14 April. Sadly, our luggage did not make the flight with us from Melbourne; no-one’s did. We understand Qantas has had some staffing issues with baggage handlers. All Luke (VK3HJ) and Chris (VK3QB) have with them on the island is their carry-on bags… which thankfully included the QRP radios, a paddle, computers, and some ancillary equipment.

Alan, VK6CQ flew in from Perth and his bag arrived… so, we have an FT8 station. We also have a bunch of antenna stuff we left on the island last time.

What we don’t have are the amplifiers, balanced ATU and all of the antennas we’d packed in the suit cases.

Our first day was spent assessing what we had and getting a basic station established. We have FT8and an EFHW focused on 15m, and one of the QRP radios (7 Watts) has been on CW using a mobile whip with 12 radials and a 17m vertical (home made yesterday) with 20 radials.

Yesterday a local loaned us an amplifier for a week or so and this is (obviously) making a huge difference to our CW signals.

So, what’s next?

We will assume our luggage won’t make it…. Our focus will be on keeping the QSO rate up on the most productive bands, as well as getting 160m up and running.

The Terlin mobile whip is doing a surprisingly good job, so we’ll focus daylight CW ops on the higher bands, and night-time will be 40m (as well of course as any other higher bands that present opportunities). We can at least run 100W into this antenna now, and with 16 radials it is performing admirably well.

Luke has been up the tree and we have the fly-lines up for the Inverted L at 30 metres. Today we will get this antenna up and at least one of the beverages for receive.

We’ll keep the FT8 station running on 15m in Fox & Hound mode on 21.084MHz, keeping clear of TX5N; so, if you need Norfolk Island on FT8 this is where you’ll find us.

Please be patient as we hobble together a station with what’s on-hand. We’ll update our QRZ.compage and send email updates every couple of days.

In the meantime, we’re having fun adapting and applying a bit of amateur ingenuity to radiate the best possible signals we can.

73 from the VK9NT Team


Norfolk Island

There are few places on earth that can be referred to as paradise without thinking twice. Norfolk Island of Australia is one of those few places. Located amidst the South Pacific region, this island provides shelter to one of those communities that are isolated on the planet. This place, situated amidst the untamed ocean, has every reason to make it into the top places in the world to be treated as a paradise.

A Brief History

This island is actually a patch of the volcanic outcrop and is known to preserve its own tradition with utmost care. This area came into the sight of Captain James Cook as early as 1774, and European settlement was soon established after the visit. Cook, on behalf of the British, claimed the island. However, the French were in competition too. The British were finally able to capture this island as the first settlers arrived at this place in 1788. The British had planned to establish a farm on this island, where the prisoners would work in order to feed the colonies in New South Wales.

However, the place did not work well as a farm and was abandoned by the year 1814. Bad weather, caterpillars, and rats were held responsible behind the inability of establishing the island as a farm. The entire area remained uninhabited until 1825, when the British Government decided to use the place as a Penal Colony for the offenders with worst and repeated charges.

Norfolk Island VK9NT

Dancing Prohibited

Youngsters and teenagers, who love to visit the disco and dance, should try to stay out of this place. This place has a strict prohibition on dancing. Flavored milk might bring about the maximum level of excitement in this place. However, these factors cannot deny from the area being referred to as paradise.

Safety and Peace at the Same Time

Peace, serenity, and relaxation are some of the most cherished things by the tourists, who have visited this place. There seems to be no stimulating conditions in this area, as people can leave their cars with the windows down, or do not worry if they have left the home with the doors open. Thieves are absent here, and people can enjoy the maximum level of security, which is quite hard to get in the recent era.

Norfolk Island VK9NT DX News

Things to See

The Gregorian buildings located in this island are simple, yet graceful, and prove to be of a real treat to the eyes. Most of the historic houses, as well as, the Government building are completely preserved. Most of these houses have been in use till date. The Quality Row, located on the southern shore of Kingston, is the best available example of the Gregorian bungalows that were built years ago.

Norfolk Island VK9NT Tourist attractions Yellow-vented Bulbul bird
Yellow-vented Bulbul bird

The locals in this place seem to bear a smile on their face throughout the day, and greet the tourists with a warm welcome. Most of them will wave at you as you pass by in your car. Therefore, if peace and relaxation accompanied with safety is something that attracts you, go for the Norfolk Island as your upcoming tour destination.

Video Norfolk Island

VK9NT. Where is Norfolk Island located. Map.

VK9NT Norfolk Island. Sunrise 02-17-2025 at 18:29 GMT sunset at 07:34 GMT
VK9NT Norfolk Island comments forum

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