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LU1ZI Carlini Base South Shetland Islands

The Radio Club Argentino (RCA) proudly announces to all radioamateurs that it will be operating from Carlini Base, South Shetland Islands (IOTA AN-010), during next February.

Our goal is to make as many contacts as possible with all hams worldwide.

Departure is scheduled on February 14th from the city of Río Gallegos, in the province of Santa Cruz, in a two-step travel that will begin on an

Argentinian Air Force flight to 25 de Mayo Island (a.k.a. King George Is.) and will continue by sea to Carlini Base.

Activity will start next day and will last until early March, with two HF stations covering 80m to 10m SSB and CW.

A third rig will be in standby mode for band openings in 6m. Operators will be Marcelo LU1AET and Carlos LU1BCE.

Carlini Base is an Argentine permanent Antarctic scientific research station located in Potter Cove, 25 de Mayo Is. (a.k.a. King George Is.), in the South Shetland Islands.

It is operated and administered by the National Antarctic Division (DNA) of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Argentina.

It is the main Argentine scientific station, located in one of the areas of greater biological diversity and activity on Antarctica.

The Argentine Antarctic Institute (IAA) develops and supervises all scientific programs. The base was inaugurated as

Estación Científica Teniente Jubany (Jubany Base) on February 12th 1982, in the same place where a refuge had been established in 1953.

QSL via LU4AA.

See you on the air and thank you very much for your support!

73 de LU1ZI

South Shetland Islands LU1ZI Tourist attractions spot Chinstrap Pinguins. Robert Island.
Chinstrap Penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica), Robert Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Author - David Cook.

South Shetland Islands LU1ZI

South Shetland Islands DX News LU1ZI

Where is King George (Mayo) Island located. Map.

LU1ZI Carlini Base South Shetland Islands. Sunrise 03-26-2025 at 10:06 GMT sunset at 21:48 GMT
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