HP3/VY2SS Panama 2017-03-17 19:53:43 Robert, VY2SS is currently living in Panama and active as HP3/VY2SS. Views8289 Comments0 More...
PJ4/KG9N Bonaire Island 2019-10-18 11:45:31 Charles, KG9N will be active from Bonaire Island (IOTA SA-006) 15 - 22 March 2016 as PJ4/KG9N. Views8467 Comments0 More...
8R1/K9KX Guyana 2021-01-11 16:31:05 Hawa, DK9KX is currently active from Guyana as 8R1/K9KX. Views11277 Comments1 100% More...
P40AUA Aruba 2016-10-11 14:01:50 Radioamateurs from Aruba will be active with special call P40AUA the entire month of March 2016 commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Aruban flag and national anthem and the 30th anniversay of our Status Aparte. Views9771 Comments0 More...
YB9/PB5X Bali Island 2019-09-03 12:29:54 Bob, PB5X will be active from Bali Island (IOTA OC-022) 16 May - 1 June 2016 as YB9/PB5X. Views7810 Comments0 More...
VP8STI VP8SGI News 24 February 2016 2023-04-23 23:35:10 We are happy to inform you that all of the VP8STI/VP8SGI team members are now home and enjoying their families after 46 days away. Views7678 Comments0 More...
HI8/N3SY Dominican Republic 2016-06-24 00:07:46 Boris, N3SY will be active from Dominican Republic 28 February - 16 March 2016 as HI8/N3SY. Views8691 Comments0 More...
RT92KA Alyumka Island 2016-04-20 11:18:07 R9XC, UA0KBG, UA3AKO will be active from Alyumka Island (IOTA AS-092) 20 - 25 April 2016 as RT92KA. Views9009 Comments0 More...
PJ7/F5RAV FS/F5RAV Saint Martin Sint Maarten 2017-02-25 18:20:12 Luc, F5RAV will be active from Saint Martin and Sint Maarten 24 - 31 March 2016 as PJ7/F5RAV and FS/F5RAV. Views6981 Comments1 100% More...
P40L P4/W6LD P4/K9NW P4/K9PG P4/WE9V Aruba 2023-11-27 21:21:46 W6LD, K9NW, K9PG, WE9V will be active from Aruba in ARRL DX SSB Contest 5 - 6 March 2016 as P40L. Views12491 Comments0 More...
N3XOF/6Y5 KB3BRR/6Y5 Jamaica 2016-02-23 11:16:02 Wojtek, N3XOF and Ewa, KB3BRR will be active from Jamaica until 1 March 2016 as N3XOF/6Y5 and KB3BRR/6Y5. Views7293 Comments0 More...
P40M P4/VE8DX Aruba 2016-02-22 20:24:24 Ken, VE3LA will be active from Aruba 1 - 8 March 2016 as P4/VE8DX. Views7719 Comments0 More...
PJ2/DL3LUM Curacao Island 2019-09-11 13:01:51 Joerg, DL3LUM will be active from Curacao Island (IOTA SA-099) 26 - 31 March 2016 as PJ2/DL3LUM. Views6994 Comments0 More...
V55DX Namibia 2016-06-26 15:59:01 Marc, DO4DXA is currently active from Namibia as V55DX. Views8223 Comments1 100% More...
5H3JA Tanzania 2019-09-15 22:31:48 Shin, JA7SGV is currently active from Tanzania as 5H3JA. Views8960 Comments0 More...