IC8LC Licosa Island 2022-09-07 09:24:09 ARI BATTIPAGLIA DX Team will be active from Licosa Island (IOTA EU-031) 10 - 11 September 2011 as IC8LC. Views5792 Comments0 More...
South Korea HL2/KC6STQ 2019-06-01 15:09:34 KC6STQ is currently active from South Korea as HL2/KC6STQ. Views4180 Comments1 100% More...
Tunisia 3V8SS WAE DC SSB 2011 2011-09-10 08:59:07 KF5EYY will be active from Tunisia in WAE DC SSB Contest 10-11 September 2011 as 3V8SS Views5450 Comments0 More...
SN0KI Karsibor Island 2011-09-09 16:56:42 SQ5KHH will be active from Karsibor Island (IOTA EU-132) until 11 September 2011 as SN0KI Views3455 Comments0 More...
ZA/G3SXW ZA/G5LP Albania 2016-07-21 15:37:50 G3SXW and G5LP will be active from Albania 14 - 15 September 2011 as ZA/G3SXW and ZA/G5LP. Views4980 Comments0 More...
TL0CW Central African Republic 2011-09-09 13:15:47 DK7PE will be active from Central African Republic 26 October - 3 November 2011 as TL0CW Views5668 Comments0 More...
VP8ORK South Orkney Islands Video 2016-10-16 11:17:45 VP8ORK DX Pedition South Orkney Islands Video is available. Views6509 Comments0 More...
Cyprus 5B4/HA9RT 2018-02-03 23:48:46 HA9RT is currently active from Cyprus as 5B4/HA9RT. Views4865 Comments0 More...
EE8YG Graciosa Island 2016-06-21 19:28:57 EA8YG will be active from Graciosa Island (Isla de la Graciosa), Canary Islands until 15 September 2011 as EE8YG. Views12808 Comments0 More...
4O/LB9N Montenegro 2019-05-05 09:46:57 LB9N is currently active from Montenegro as 4O/LB9N. Views6350 Comments0 More...
TF/SM7RYR/P Iceland 2019-10-13 17:44:45 SM7RYR is currently active from Iceland as TF/SM7RYR/P. Views5983 Comments0 More...
MX0WCB Isles of Scilly 2016-06-04 10:21:00 M0TTE, M0SFT and M0TGN will be active from Isles of Scilly (IOTA EU-011) 10 - 17 September 2011 as MX0WCB. Views4401 Comments0 More...
Prince Edward Island VY2/WW4GA 2019-09-24 08:26:20 WW4GA will be active from Prince Edward Island (IOTA NA-029) 12 - 20 September 2011 as VY2/WW4GA. Views9476 Comments0 More...
T6BP Afghanistan 2017-02-26 22:47:27 9A3PM will be active from Afghanistan untill April 2012 as T6BP. Views4366 Comments0 More...
JS3OMH/6 Tokara Islands 2017-11-25 19:50:37 JS3OMH will be active from Tokara Archipelago, IOTA AS-049, 8 - 14 September as JS3OMH/6. Views6387 Comments3 100% More...